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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. Good point. Then I think we should have different prices for ammo boxes, because .50 cals are pretty OP right now and can carry loads of ammo
  2. Can you extend the deadline a day or 2 because im on vacation right now with no way to work on my plane or even send it in. Blame my parents. not me. Spontaneous vacation FTW
  3. Oh. Yeah. there is that. Wasn't intentional clipping anyway, I didn't even realize it until like yesterday
  4. I Didn't clip anything on the Raptor 2 lol. I mainly lost due to takeoff issues. Which didn't happen when I tested it but oh well
  5. Thank you! That sucks, I thought stock KSP had better aero than that. Maybe ill install FAR ive used FAR before, but I don't have it on this save for the sake of the simplicity
  6. @OrbitalBuzzsaw Well. My point is, they shouldn't be doing this, and I don't know why, but im pretty sure it isnt the Pwings
  7. the only problem is this craft was designed with P-wings, putting stock wings in their place might not work. But its simple aerodynamics, the aerodynamics of the B9 Pwings are modeled correctly so it shouldn't be a problem. For some reason it is getting more drag when it should be getting less.
  8. Ok. So no B9 at all. I was kinda hoping to use those F11(something something) engines to get that F-22 look but ok
  9. I built an F-14 with sweep wings using IR rotatrons, I am using B9-Pwings. And as a test I got about 100 meters off the ocean using atmosphere autopilot and had it hold level. I had the throttled maxed out and waited until my speed stopped increasing. Then I swept the wings back and noticed that the plane lost about 5-10 M/s in speed like it was experiencing increased drag from sweeping the wings back instead of decreased drag. Which makes absolutely no sense as the sweep wings were designed to reduce drag when going supersonic allowing for higher speeds while keeping maneuverability with them in the forward position at low speed. Can somebody give me any tips or is it just KSP being KSP....
  10. @Alphasus Looks great! Any special requirements like the last tourny being stealth? Is this just conventional fighters? Also. Can we use B9 P-wings?
  11. it is. But, speed helps you get away faster, and close distance faster. The original raptor was designed for gun fights, which it excelled at due to its great TWR and maneuverability, it had no missiles to worry about. The new raptor has to deal with missiles coming at it, and the AI is kinda dumb at flying super maneuverable fighters, sometimes it will kill all your speed and then try to maneuver out of the way of a missile while its going 30 M/s and its a sitting duck. Unless you make a UFO like the Dorito which literally flies like a UFO, you stand no chance in a fight like this. I'm just a bit salty that my plane crashed on takeoff so many times..... In my testing it rarely crashed on takeoff, and mostly in the initial design stages it was the landing gear being overstressed causing it to bounce around, which appears to be happening in the tournaments, but I fixed that before I sent it in and it doesn't happen on my save. So IDK whats happening. Can't wait for the next tournament to see what it is so I can begin designing the Raptor 3 N.E.X.T. P.S. I would prefer 2v2 tournaments like the last top gun AI tournament. I feel it gives you more of a chance
  12. Regardless of my vessel size I still have problems
  13. Yeah its a common problem, for me they are unusable. I load one, vessel move it into the water right at the shoreline, then go to space center and spawn a chopper. when the chopper loads in my boat is either flying, or explodes at the bottom of the ocean
  14. go read the comment I edited it after realizing that wasn't my plane XD. Looks similar from behind
  15. what do you mean my engines were fine and Keudn's were not?
  16. oh. I thought you told me that if it crashed on takeoff you wouldn't count it as a loss and just restart the round
  17. Well It sucks that I didn't do too well. In the last tourny held for the original top gun AI I made it all the way to the finals, not sure if I won or not due to the guy who was doing it ragequitting due to the forum eating his post. A Dorito screwed me over, It was basically a flying wing. My plane would win in a gun fight, but in a missile fight, maneuverability isn't as important. BTW did you count the matches as a loss when my plane crashed on takeoff? P.S. It also sucks due to angle of attack limitations the AI can't take full advantage of the maneuverability, it is a fighter that performs best under player control. P.P.S put the names of the contestants vessels in the title of the video. Just makes it easier to find things on the youtube channel P.P.P.S Round 10 doesnt exist, its not on here and its not on your youtube channel
  18. Episode 10 is here, I have decided to bring the series to a close due to my game becoming more and more unstable for no apparent reason
  19. Way back in KSP .21 I spent months building a space station around kerbin, a mun base, a minimus base and station, the station was going to travel to duna and beyond. It was equipped with kethane storage and processing, a kerballed lander, another kerballed mining lander and was propelled by nuclear engines. It was going to be my first time sending kerbals to interplanetary space (on purpose) and landiing them on another planet. As I throttled up the engines the landers flexed on the docking ports and if I accelerated too hard they would rip off. I was so sad. I didn't realize that things connected to docking ports flexed like that. I was super hyped and then I went to a super low. And didn't play KSP for a month or two.
  20. My A-10 has canards on the front though, not a complete replica. I have a Mig-21 replica in my current save, as well as the F-4 phantom remade
  21. I have a bunch of planes F-18's F-4 Phantom Mig-25 A-10 I have a bunch more, including an F-14, F-5 Freedom fighter, F-16. But the screenshots are from and old 1.0.5 save that wont load up for some reason.
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