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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. Its your turn. It has been stated before. For F's sake people, if you want to participate stay up to date on the thread!
  2. They need to make swing wings actually reduce drag, it killed me when I spent ages on my F-14 only to find out swinging the wings back SLOWED ME DOWN. because it pushed the COL back further causing the tail to pitch up, creating more drag....
  3. What? I already sent up my module.. The docking node thing... On Saturday. And made a post about it. With pictures... And im 7th on the list.......
  4. I just sent up that docking node thing. Some of the ports are not in the most optimal spots but it could easily be expanded length wise
  5. This seems to have turned into more of a Kommunity Space Program with ships and roids flying every which way to multiple planets, bases, and stations, me like, me like.
  6. Yeah I got all the way up to the station. Went in to dock and I was like, what the f?
  7. I'm DONE! http://imgur.com/a/U9cDY There are a bunch of pictures. The docking module arrived but I realized I put the docking ports on BACKWARDS! So I fixed it and cheated it up there since I got all the way to the station with the broken one D: Then after docking I couldn't decouple the fairing base so I sent up a demolitions expert with some K4 Explosives from KIS and blew up the service module!
  8. is it ok if I ignore the part limit and send up a docking module? Because we are running out of docking space on the Kerbin station...... It will have 4 tiny fuel tanks with 4 SR docking ports on those. on a Rocomax hub with a girder on top and another SR docking port up there for attaching the module to the station. @53miner5311 parts in total
  9. Please for the love of God clean up your debris from your launches... So I don't have to go through the tracking station and go to every single piece of junk, determine if its junk, and clean it up
  10. Hmmm. Maybe docking ports SHOULDN't count towards parts. So we can send up a large docking hub for future expansion
  11. Ok I'm done, I sent up a Communications/power module. The docking port on the open end popped off somehow lol. I didn't get any pictures I completely forgot
  12. Oh excrements sorry lol. Will try and get it done today. Kinda forgot about it ive been really busy!
  13. You should update your old post with the link instead of making a new one FYI
  14. I did that with minnmus back in .21 using Kethane. I made a refueling station in minmus orbit. That had a miner ship to go up and down
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