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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. Hmmm I'm thinking about adding a module to this. Maybe I'll send up a tiny RCS tug or something to aid in the docking of ships. Allowing them to have more functional parts rather than just thrusters
  2. EAGLE YOU NECROED YOUR OWN THREAD! Also what you see in my picture is the Kerbin shuttle. Capable of carrying a medium payload to LKO, taking off from the runway and landing back at the runway.
  3. Look to the left and also look on my profile page there is my SSTO lel
  4. New features? Breaking mods. That are barely not broken as is right now...
  5. Back in the old days of sandbox we had to make our own objectives!
  6. Most likely you are having TONS of lag. which causes physics to somewhat break. Also the drag at that speed MAY cause it to rip apart depending how aerodynamic it is and how structurally sound it is. That in a combination with the odd physics at low FPS is what causes this.
  7. Instead of sending jets to laythe we could send electric props! It would also open up possibilities on planets without oxygen atmospheres
  8. I found an issue with the mod. Some parts weren't showing up and the only ones that were was the engine and the rudder. So I re-installed and I'm still only seeing the engine and the rudder. No hull, no island superstructure. Nothin EDIT: NVM LOL
  9. Thank you sir for not hating me for asking a question lol
  10. I know this is out of place Ryan but I have a new video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5iJub94MVQ8
  11. I thought PEW was broken. Never heard of blue hawk industries. But it seems like these missiles don't lead targets while standard BD Armory ones like the Aim-9 and Aim-120 do
  12. ITS BACK NEARLY A YEAR LATER! THE KERBAL WAR PROGRAM SERIES! Kerbal War Program Season 4 Teaser Kerbal War Program Season 4 Ep0 A New Enemy Kerbal War Program Season 4 Ep1 Anti-Ship
  13. Can you fix the R-60 and R-77 so they can lead targets? they are useless because they can't lead targets and just end up falling behind the targets if they attack from any other angle except head on or tail on. Also it would be neat to see stuff like an Aim-7, or more Russian missiles
  14. I know this is a Necro but where is the new download?
  15. Su-27. Essentially a larger version of this
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