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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. I have all my fuel in the rear and on paper this thing should be stable. COM is far in front of COL when the shuttle is detached from boosters and ET. On another note, during ascent I transfer fuel to the front tanks to help stability
  2. There is no lack of response, I could probably do away with some of the reaction wheels actually, they were mostly for takeoff but now I got my stability figured out
  3. I don't really need more control surfaces I don't think. I think I just need to learn how to fly the damn thing more lol
  4. Yeah IDK why by my shuttle looses tons and tons of speed once it drops below mach speeds. If I want to maintain a level pitch to glide down I can't because so much speed is lost. Don't understand it. There is no way the shuttle creates that much drag. I'm thinking of fitting a juno engine in there somewhere so I can have some amount of propulsion The way I've landing it previously is by keeping a ~-5 degree pitch down, then pulling up and leveling out seconds before touchdown. Also I have a copious amount of reaction wheels since this thing likes to flip out alot on re-entry If I pitch too much one way or the other, so I can't even do mild S-turns Another thing I'm thinking about is possibly starting my own lightly modded KSS challenge/thing. So then we can put stuff on stations with more of a "purpose" as well as life support so resupply and service missions would be important.
  5. RIP The crew of SS-2. You will forever be remembered.
  6. A core for what? I think it would be a great docking node expansion once @ZooNamedGames organizes the current mess of a station when it's his turn
  7. @ZooNamedGames Here is my Arm I'd consider it done, has a rotator under each hinge, giving it the most range of motion. Has 2 full size I-beams, 1 as base, 1 as mid, then 2 pocket edition ones, 1 for far, and 1 for tip, with an electromagnet on the end from KAS. Has a decoupler under the base rotator so I can decouple the arm for re-entry since it throws off the aerodynamics by quite a bit. May have to move those two solar panels as they cut it quite close. And the not being able to remove the struts issue was me being dumb. I was pressing H instead of X (X is remove key, H is attach) So I don't need a fancy solution for holding it in place on ascent. The arm isn't too wobbly if you are patient with it. The arm overall is probably 20% longer than a CRG-100 bay
  8. ah, I have 3.3.1 I think lol 2 hours ago 3.3.2 came out and I installed 3.3.1 this morning I just drop the KJR folder into my gamedata right? @Soda Popinski
  9. I'm using the latest build of KJR. Can't find anything labelled "dev build". Haven't tested IR with it yet tho
  10. I put a small core module into Polar Orbit. The next recommended step is to send a 6 way adapter to the station to expand docking space in all directions since there is only one SR Port on the module itself. The shuttle landing was a disaster sadly. We lost 3 brave Kerbals. There is one Kerbal from the shuttle on the station core. Kinda went for a Zarya module feel with the two solar panels. The shuttle was also modified with a robotic arm, which was jammed because apparently, you can't remove struts with KIS tools. Save will be up shortly Going to try KJR with the arm to see if that stops it from flopping about on launch so I don't need the struts
  11. ... Uhh No? I forgot to mention I'm putting the Arm on my shuttle and not on the station
  12. I don't put mods on the station. I actually use my Kerbal War Program Save but only use mechjeb on the shuttle currently. I wanted infernal robotics so I could make a robotic arm to aid docking
  13. Currently installing Infernal robotics cause I realized I didn't have it installed!
  14. In the meantime you could work on stuff like shuttles, launch vehicles, stuff like that. As a sidenote we are making an effort to make this program as reusable as possible without going insane and compromising on stuff for the sake of reusability. For example my shuttles LFB's are non-reusable, but if I used SRB's I would have very little payload capacity
  15. Yep! Just put your name on there, sadly you will have to wait quite a while. Since once ZooNamedGames is up he is going to do a complete station organization, he is going to take everything apart and put it back together to make the station look alot nicer, make more sense, and easier to dock to. It could take him till the end of june
  16. Cool beans. Can't wait until it's your turn and you organize everything! Once my turn is up I'm probably going to start a polar station or send something to the Mun station to stretch the legs of my shuttle. Also going to try and incorporate a robotic arm into my shuttle so I can send dock modules without the need for a disposable tug. Because on SS-1 the way I had to do things was very slow and painful since the tug was wayyyy off of the COM
  17. He could also use my SS if he wants. Has mechjeb on it, but I only use that to do orbital maneuvering, you have to fly the ascent manually. I tested 28 tons to LKO. Can get to a 250x250km orbit with that payload but it doesn't really have enough mono-prop left for maneuvering there. Perhaps once it reaches a 250x250km orbit a fuel drone from the station could be sent to it and refuel it so it can rendezvous. Most payloads aren't 28 tons though anyway unless you want to mass-transport LFO around. EDIT: Also its very finicky to fly re-entry and ascent. I have ascent down. But i'm still kinda figuring out re-entry Just an idea if he wants to put in the time to learn it :P. Overall probably not worth it EDIT2: Another idea. Perhaps modules that look really out of place we could ask the owner if we can burn it up to allow the owner replace it with something that is more usable and looks better with an organized station design? I'm thinking about that rather large power truss under the asteroid that really gets on my nerves cause its solar panels are uneven
  18. I think you should wait until it's your turn. Then we should pause on your turn until you are done re-organizing it. So people who have been waiting (like myself) aren't stuck waiting until the end of June. @ZooNamedGames Also @53miner53. What's that station in polar orbit? Is that an official station? Because in my turn I was thinking of testing my shuttle's polar orbit launching capabilities and sending up a core module for a polar station or another module for adding onto the "thing" that is already there.
  19. I like it. The current station is kinda a mosh pit with no real organization planning put into it
  20. Yeah it is kinda a mess, I would be highly in favor is attaching that section by docking port
  21. Yes the reservation list is very very very important
  22. RIP in kill zoonamedgames P.S. Took ya name off the list for ya
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