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Everything posted by Combatsmithen

  1. Im having trouble building a fighter with FAR that doesn't just flip out, does anyone have a tutorial on how to build with FAR? Either I can't maneuver my plane at all or it just flips out and crashes. I'm a master with stock aerodynamics though.
  2. So thats why my planes using alot of those wings struggle to pass Mach 1 at 1000 meters...... Ah ha! I think you found my problem
  3. Missiles seem to be really easily thrown off by simple maneuvers, Also like i said before the AI tends to miss ALOT with guns, I understand a little missing so they arent laser beams of death but they miss ALOT to the point where even though they are within 300m of each other they still manage to miss. Watch my dogfight video if you haven't already and you will see what im talking about EDIT: OOPS
  4. Using the new competition mode. The AI is so innacurate, I think out of all the vulcan shots fired from the K-16 only 10 or so hit and barely did anything
  5. Nice! This will help my youtube series! I will be able to set up dogfights more easily!
  7. If i download B9 from here will it have the HX parts?
  8. RIP Kerbal stuff, it was the simplest most user friendly mod website ever. Curse is a giant hunk of junk mess that is a pain to look through, yet squad continues to use it . Kerbal Space Port was better than curse. If anything squad should have went with kerbal stuff and endorsed it, but nope, money hungry scoundrels. I'm beginning to rethink my view on squad.
  9. You cant manually control weapons in guard mode, if you aren't in guard mode then I don't know, prehaps re-install? Thanks Baha! now i have my UI back and can continue my youtube series!
  10. What type of missiles and set your guns range for the guard to 0. make sure the 2 craft are on opposite teams
  11. Its correct. I installed KK into the gamedata folder after deleting the old one, i created a text document named kerbinside.cfg and put that in the gamedata folder. Then pasted the code into it. I dont know what im doing wrong
  12. here is my log https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0O7pGYHMKRGeWJXVjV5MENzbXc/view?usp=sharing
  13. Got it https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B0O7pGYHMKRGeWJXVjV5MENzbXc/view?usp=sharing
  14. Its just too much, i tried pasting it in google drive and it just froze. And im not on a potato.
  15. I cant paste the log here it is too big. How will i get it to you?
  16. Im not able to paste the entire log here how do i get it to you then? I tried pasting it. And i clicked submit and it was really laggy, I come back 10 minutes later and it said 502 bad gateway.
  17. How do i get a log when my game doesn't crash?
  18. How do I get my output log when my game doesn't crash? Also the reticle for the sidewinder appeared behind me for a brief moment, it didn't stay there, and it disapeered. When i press F2 its still not there, and when i try reloading the game, or going back to the hangars and going out again they aren't there. Quickloading doesn't fix it either
  19. I said this before and ill say it again, in 10.1 im missing the green dot/circle for aiming bombs, guns, and missiles, ive tried re installing BD armory twice to no avail. My youtube series is ongoing right now and I need these reticles to continue it. And i dont feel like making a list of all the mods ive installed then making an entire new KSP folder and downloading and installing all the mods again.
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