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Rory Yammomoto

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Everything posted by Rory Yammomoto

  1. hmmm... that is actually a good idea. I don't really like trying to open up a PDF with KSP taking up 5.5 out of my 6 GB of RAM... 'all power to the engines' and all that...
  2. Please Don't. They are terribly useful- I use one as an expansion for my Saturn 1C (TWR forbiding) It is one of the few short, 2.5m tanks that don't conflict with the Saturn line when scaled up. plus, in the even that we need a bigger 1.875m centaur-type stage, the modularity is much appreciated. (plus, it helps with bumping your part mod above the total number of parts squad has in the game.)
  3. @CobaltWolf what about a red rectangle where the text goes? there's no text, and you get your splash of red!
  4. this is my Sarnus Long Duration. It is meant to be used as a sort of disposable space station, launched with my Kane Block III (the LMAE comes in really handy, as well as an upscaled MOL adapter). the SRMs are to give it a bit more oomph on the pad. also, I like how it looks weird. (Its cool to have to answer questions from a modder, instead of the other way round)
  5. I am worried that it will drop support for OpenGL 2.1. I cannot use anything above that, and I don't want to upgrade my lappy (I need money).
  6. It cannot go all the way to orbit either, but it will do. I did not want to make the Saturn Multibody. Plus that is WAAY too heavy. heavier even then the composite tank of the SI. If i wanted to use the F-1 from SSTU (which I did not) I would use a scaled Rockomax, or even SSTU's own tanks. But I do not want to. I wanted to make it out of BDB parts. Perhaps a larger rocket is necessary; attempting to make one out of two SIVB tanks.
  7. I could not resist. This is my Sarnus 1C, made with what I assume are 'balanced' parts. TWR of 5.40, and 6 kilometres per second DV.
  8. Sorry. I will patiently wait. PS: aprés deux heures, I cannot wait. WHO had the idea to put BUGFIXES with the BETA MODELS?
  9. Has the SIVB been 'balanced' yet? I've been waiting patiently to have a 'balanced' SIVB. and it still says 'initial S-IVB upload'
  10. Hey, I have an idea - put up the upgrades (block II, AARDV) in order. that way, we can get the game models the way we got (or would get) it in real life!
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