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Rory Yammomoto

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Everything posted by Rory Yammomoto

  1. You might need to stretch the fuel tank of the S-1E tank. I can very nearly reach orbital altitude with it, but not actually do it with the standard booster. Is it supposed to need some S-IVB thrust in the ascent, even on a normal scale Kerbin?
  2. your prize is a lifetime supply of self doubt about your creations! you are probably going to need it... (I'm sorry but take some PRIDE in your stuff. It was really cool and interesting)
  3. was this before modders decided to make non-standard sizes, such as 93.7 cm, 150 cm, 187 cm, and 562 cm?
  4. they will not load. it seems that where I put them( directly in /GameData/Bluedog_DB/Parts, instead of in a folder to themselves) is not where they would load.
  5. Two questions Anyone got a copy of the FASA launch clamps that work correctly? is this the right place to ask?
  6. So I'm guessing that we're diverging our path to the Eyes Turned Skywards parts now? Cool. Or batteries. the ETS block III had loads of batteries instead of a fuel cell, If I'm Remembering right.
  7. 2.7 is the very latest version. the Nyan cat must've been @sarbian's message to stop bugging him about 1.2. (BUT IT WON'T WORK ON ME! I HAVE AN INDEPENDENTLY RECOMPILED VERSION!)
  8. I think it needs to be more cream-coloured, like the colour of old PC cases. I like the cream of the Skylab CM in this picture: (its also my favourite colour)
  9. seconded. we don't have any other 3.75 parts that need it. I can think of a theoretical 375 cm rocket, but we don't have one yet where we cannot make do with the S-IVB interstage or the stock decoupler..
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