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Everything posted by ddavis425

  1. I do not. I've never used Real Chutes or any mod that uses it. No files of it anywhere.
  2. Unfortunately this didn't solve the issue for me. The pod still hits the ground at 250 m/s without slowing after parachute deployment.
  3. No The chute opens at around 5km and I even bumped up the full deployment to 1km instead of 500m but the chute doesn't appear to slow the pod down whatsoever.
  4. How do I properly land the Soyuz capsule? Do I need to put thrusters on it? By default the parachute almost doesn't slow the capsule down at all and I smack into the ground at a not-so-gentle 250 m/s.
  5. Nice, great to see continued support for this mod
  6. Would it be possible to edit the stock Gemini service module to be conical shaped like the real one? Like 1.875m on top and 2.5m on the bottom. The one in game is cylindrical and looks terrible. Edit: Also if that is possible to do, then some upscaled Cheetah and Bobcat engines to 2.5m would be good to fit the new size of the rocket.
  7. While you're here, what part is supposed to be used for the PWS and PRA antenna on Voyager? The only thing I can find are the two Radio Plasma Wave antenna but those have three antenna each instead of the two that Voyager had. Edit: Nevermind, I figured it out. You're supposed to use the three-antenna thing but rotate it in a way that one of the antenna is hidden in the magnetometer.
  8. I was having trouble with the mod crashing while the game loaded the parts on startup but I realized I downloaded the wrong version. The Github link in the OP links to version 0.15 instead of the latest version 0.16.
  9. I'm having an issue with the Mk 4-1 Command Module from the Spacecraft pack. In version 1.4.0 the mod worked fine with no apparent issues. Now in version 1.4.1 I can't send any kerbals on EVA because it says the hatch is obstructed. I am using the command module on the same exact ship design as I had when it was working yesterday so it's not an issue with a change in ship design. Edit: I was having other issues with other mods and the base game so I reinstalled everything fresh. I no longer have this issue.
  10. Take a look at this thread: You may need to contact support, that's what I am having to do
  11. According to the Early Adopter thread I should have the DLC on my account automatically but I don't. Guess I'll have to contact support.
  12. I'm using the latest version of this mod, version for KSP 1.4.0, and I am having major issues with the wheels. I made a rover with a crane on top and the lateral deployable wheel legs and every time the wheels touch the ground on Minmus they bounce and fling the entire rover into the air. None of the action menu settings for the wheels seem to have any effect on this, nor does the orientation of the wheels.
  13. I see. I didn't know that launching through the default shortcut launched the 32 bit version of the game.
  14. https://www.dropbox.com/s/owuubjxuz9tv63t/error.log?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/zg9sx06axv0alti/output_log.txt?dl=0 Here are the error and output logs. I'm running on a i5 6600k with 8gb ram and RX 480. This crash happened upon launching a craft. This only happens when I have the SSPX mod installed, all other mods work fine with SVE installed.
  15. I just downloaded the latest release and I immediately started having issues where the game would crash trying to load a save. I decided to start with a totally fresh install with just this mod and add mods on to see what caused it. It seems that using the latest version of Stock Visual Enhancements (and the included mods) along with SSPX makes the game either hang on loading, crash on loading, or crash on trying to launch a craft. Just to make sure it was SVE being incompatible I uninstalled SSPX, leaving just the base game and SVE, and the game worked fine.
  16. And I think that number doesn't take into account the equatorial radius, so in reality it was like 11 or 12km
  17. I like the one that moves Gilly to Duna but I think it should be a bit farther away so that the SOI can be bigger. Not to make it easier to rendezvous with but to make it more time warp friendly.
  18. @Alshain that's probably the best solution. How do you judge how spaced out the satellites are? I only managed to get a perfectly spaced geostationary network because of a Youtube video that said to make a specific orbit where you deploy a satellite each apoapsis. Did you just eyeball it or was there some sort of method you used?
  19. I see people talking about how it's unnecessary to bother with having a relay network around Kerbin since there are multiple ground stations. In the advanced difficulty options you can make it so that KSC is the only ground station, just like in RT. I selected that so that I would have a reason to set up a geostationary relay network. Now as for the problem of getting relay coverage to the far side of the Mun, even with relays 60 degrees ahead of and behind the Mun there's still a small dead zone that the signal doesn't reach. I'm not sure exactly what size that dead zone is but I know that it means that you won't be able to land an unmanned probe in the center of the Mun's far side. I think the only way to ensure total signal coverage would be to have relays in orbit of the Mun itself or to have relays orbiting beyond the Mun.
  20. No point in voting or debating, we all know from past experience that Squad will just do what they want.
  21. Aside from the control rebinding, the game's friction system (or lack thereof) is pretty bad. Unless you're on a relatively high-gravity planet you might as well be driving around on ice.
  22. Please make a new Ceres, the stock command pod looks like crap next to your fantastic parts
  23. I've barely played career mode but I'm rolling in cash
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