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Number 16 Bus Shelter

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  1. I made this a while back and I decided, heck, I have a bunch of screenshots and a video so why not put it here. This is my favorite jet of all time so I put a lot of time and love into this build. I would be inclined to believe it turned out well but that's not up to me to decide. It uses two mods - tweakscale and adjustable landing gear. I haven't tried getting it to work on any other version so it is more than likely broken now, but here is what I managed to save from the build. As you'll see in the video, I used landing struts as a sort of mock-tailhook and refueling rod. I considered using IR and KAS to make real versions of them but decided that having just 2 mods would be better. I added a ring inside the cockpit to give it a more realistic IVA experience. This is a bit of a personal thing, you might not like it but I do. The middle of the makeshift hud is set to be in line with the guns on the armed version but the one I have up for download is the unarmed one. I have some pictures and a video of the armed one aswell.
  2. I took an engine nacelle, scaled it to 1.125 along with a small circular intake and placed a cubic octagonal strut with 2 TR-XL stack decouplers on it, moved the strut into the cockpit, then the decouplers outside and scaled them to look like the cockpit holder things. I deleted my ksp to try to see if it would fix some serious performance issues I was having so I can't get the craft again. Sorry
  3. I've got a 1060 and an i7, those aren't the issues by a long shot. From what I can gather it's either the disk drive or the ram but to be sure I"m going to be upgrading both along with the motherboard as soon as I can.
  4. No, the performance issue is not with any specific game, it's the computer, might be a faulty disk drive however because as I'm learning this one is a hit or miss kind of thing.
  5. After finishing the mig, I quit playing kerbal for a few weeks until I came back and made this submarine. Not based on any specific model, not a replica of any kind, just a working submarine made to look a little like a german one. I had some serious trouble with getting my computer to actually render the thing, I don't know why but it seems my pc is dying, half the time it's at 100% disk usage, no viruses or malware, and none of the tutorials online help me out with anything, but anyway, here's the ship. Using no propellor mods because they're too easy in my opinion, I made the motor of the submarine with infernal robotics and some control surfaces. This actually ran me into some problems when piloting the sub. Each rotor is set at a speed of 10 with acceleration of 2 and spins in an opposite direction to the other in order to not have the thing spinning like crazy underwater. To get the sub moving I set the speed in the RPM GUI ingame to 5, making the rotors spin at a speed of 50, any higher and the control surfaces break off. When resurfacing I have to turn off the rotors lest they break on surface, I found that going up at 10 degrees and cutting the rotors at a depth of 100 meters usually curbs the issue. At the surface I usually run it at a speed of 30. This makes it so the rotors don't break off and I can move at a steady rate over the water. Have some pictures with scatterer for looks! I get the sub into the water using vessel mover which is why I have the struts on the side to keep it up on the launchpad. I cannot film this or even open anything up anymore because my pc is not letting me. I havent the slightest clue why it's doing this but every time I try to play anything or do anything it just doesnt work or loads so slow it might as well not have worked. I'm going to try reinstalling windows but after that I won't have any of these builds and I'm thinking I'm just going to quit playing this game. I can't take this any longer.
  6. Mikoyan Gurevich 15 I made the gear with infernal robotics, the only other mods on this are kas and tweakscale.
  7. I recently decided to play ksp again. First time in about 5 months, had some issues with visual mod installation (I can't stand vanilla ksp's lack of clouds) but eventually got it all ready. I wanted to make a new mig-15 because I recalled the one i made about 2 years ago was amazingly fun to build. Here's some screenshots of the new one. The plane is missing stall fences/strakes on the wings because I couldn't find anything to use for them that I liked. I know, send me to the gulag and all. The gear is made with infernal robotics, I hate the look of every other gear in the game. Only useful for front gear and larger modern planes. I spent about a half an hour making this system but it was worth it. Could not wish for better. I also decided that since I used a fairing for the engine block, I might as well make an internal engine. I started with accuracy in mind, But over time I devolved it for practicality. Added small fuel areas, intakes, and extra engines to make the plane faster. Looks more like an engine to me though, and I like the look of this more. The plane flies like a dream, loved the build. Am probably going to make an f-86, during that I'll be streaming, and if you want to join in and watch, my steam profile is http://steamcommunity.com/id/adawdga123sad123123/ and my broadcast link is http://steamcommunity.com/broadcast/watch/76561198042846224/ WIP of f-86
  8. Me-262 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=476035005 yeah i use steam what of it
  9. Yak-17 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=476029499 Bad f-22 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=476030137 Me-262 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=476030250 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=476035005 Absolutelyhorrid....ty Ho-299 http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=476035277 Tell me what you think All of them are stock with tweakscale but I don't trust mediafire and I don't want to buy dropbox so they won't be seeing the light of a download anytime soon
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