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Everything posted by MaxwellsDemon

  1. My first Mun landing was with a vehicle that I now know to be wildly over-engined and over-fueled... I lugged SO much fuel all the way back to Kerbin for no reason. There are safety margins and then there's ridiculousness, and I definitely was in ridiculous territory!
  2. I like to stick a small one on the nose of the Mk1-3 capsule; I usually put a couple of batteries, the small 'OKTO', and some science instruments in it, and the docking port goes on top of that. Often the larger bay will be on the service module, and contains fuel and monoprop tanks and more science instruments (especially the ones that I can transmit data and still get the full science amount, so there's no barrier to jettisoning them). I hear Kraken rumbles about using them but have never had an issue with them (my issues are due to other things).
  3. Knowing what I know now, it wasn't that big of a deal, but at the time... i was coming in to a landing on Minmus... I think maybe it was even the very first time I'd tried to land on Minmus. I was trying to max out my science, and over-reached... sent Jeb out EVA to get an EVA report, *while the lander was maneuvering*. He lost his grip, and try as i might, I couldn't get him back to the lander. So I flipped over to the lander, aborted the landing, flipped back to Jeb, and decided to see what his jetpack could do. As it turned out, quite a lot... killed all forward and downward velocity and realized "who needs a lander?" So Jeb landed on Minmus sans lander, which did a once-around and then landed to pick him up. I know now that Kerbal jetpacks have an awesome amount of dV in them, particularly with regard to Minmus, so it wasn't actually that big a deal, plus Kerbals can take a surprising amount of punishment and survive. But I didn't know that then, and I thought he was a goner for sure. When he managed a safe stand-up landing, I was virtually capering with glee!
  4. Make sure your navball shows it's pointed at the horizon. I've had issues where it was pointed straight up, and in those cases the speed limit functionality didn't seem to work.
  5. Also looking forward to this, and hoping for a status update...
  6. I gave that a try. No joy. I'm wondering if having put the Kerbals outside via the "Walkabout" mod rather than EVA had anything to do with it. Planning to test that this weekend.
  7. I'm dealing with an unexpected situation... I had two rovers, each with two Kerbals in EAS-1 seats, on an extended EVA west of KSC. I saved, and now when I try to resume with either one of them, the rover loads in time to see both Kerbals slowly sinking through their seats and through the Rovemax core below, and then they fall on the ground. Weirder still, if I right-click on them, I get a right-click menu that calls them "Unknown Mystery Part", as opposed to Viranna or Enbus Kerman... And then if I return to the space center screen, I get a message saying that the rover had an unknown part that was not loaded, so the rover itself has failed to load. Has anyone seen anything like this?
  8. This time around in my career campaign, I've separated the naming of equipment and missions... I found that a bit hampering last time. So, in development, I give them names like "Orbital Probe B," etc., and then when they're actually on missions I name the mission, generally from Egyptian mythology, and generally (though not invariably) as the counterpart of the Greco-Roman names we've used historically... so, Horus instead of Apollo, Thoth instead of Hermes/Mercury, Gemini became Nebwy ("the two lords"), etc.
  9. My Minmus mission was successful up until reentry, when KSP crashed. Will continue today.
  10. That's the catch about random numbers... with a small sample, you can never be entirely sure it's random.
  11. In a former campaign game, I used them to staff the space stations or other places out of the way. Gave 'em something to do and I could forget about them. They never complained.
  12. I wouldn't call it impossible that something's affecting the seed. It's already been established that the original Asteroid Day mod (for 1.04) somehow caused all the rescuees to be female. I don't know precisely how that happened, but it's not inconceivable that a mod could be affecting things in some way.
  13. I still like to put pilots into the mix... but I'll admit that if I have limited space available, they're the first ones to get cut. From discussion on these forums, it hit me that there's absolutely no reason not to equip every Kerballed capsule with an OKTO-2 or something along those lines; I rationalize it as "improved avionics."
  14. I've had a string of nothing but pilots, and I want more engineers. Trade ya!
  15. Yup, that's new since contextual contracts. I found out the hard way that they don't always offer an easy contract that way, though-- two of mine simply didn't have enough delta-V remaining to make the required adjustment. I eyeball 'em closer before accepting the contracts now...
  16. Very Kerbal! My first Munar landing mission returned successfully to Kerbin. I was sweating because I thought I'd cut the delta-V budget too close, but it turned out to be just fine. On to Minmus!
  17. Landed on the Mun for the first time in this career campaign. OK, so I've done it before, but it was still a thrill. Plus, I landed less than a klick away from the Armstrong Memorial, which I hadn't visited before. (RIP Neil.)
  18. I've noticed an uptick in crashes, both the kind that result in a "please send this file to the developer" message box and without. At first I thought it was the most recent mod I installed (KAX), so I uninstalled it, but that does not appear to have been the culprit in any way I can determine. It's nearly always (if not always) at scene-change. One thing I have noticed is the steady increase in the size of my save files and persistent.sfs file as I continue my campaign. Is there a correlation between the size of these files and crash-frequency?
  19. Successfully made my "Gemini 6/7"-style linkup in LKO, with one of the vessels transferring fuel to the other for a Munar orbital mission, also concluded successfully. Fulfilled a couple of contracts along the way and got some good science as well. A fine evening!
  20. Sent a mission around the Mun that collected some great science, and launched the first part of a planned "Gemini 6/7"-style rendezvous mission. Testing rocket engines and launching satellites to pay the bills... KSC is fully upgraded with the exceptions of the SPH and Admin, which are next on the list (in that order)... rounding out my first "year" of my new campaign. KCT has definitely made it more interesting for me, and has forced me to plan better and do things a bit more realistically (for instance, the old dodge of collecting bunches of science around KSC is much more difficult because construction and rollout are not instantaneous, so formerly-"quickie" EVA missions become so grindy as to not be worth it... so I'm collecting my science on actual flights).
  21. Continuing to plug along on my rebooted grand career (with KCT), and quite enjoying myself... I'm quite pleased with my two-Kerbal orbital utility capsule, based on Nertea's work... launched by two S-1 SRBs and a Skipper, it's nicely stable and nearly flies itself to LKO with only the lightest touches on the stick at appropriate moments. After a LKO checkout mission, I sent a crew to Munar orbit and back, and a mission's on Pad Alpha ready to go to Minmus in the same way. Pad Alpha, the Tracking Station, R&D, and Mission Control are all fully upgraded; the VAB is in the process of being fully upgraded; and all other structures are at 'Level 2.' The Kerbal complement (currently totaling 23) is a little too weighted in favor of pilots, so I've been concentrating on acquiring scientists and (especially) engineers. I've only hired one so far; the rest I've picked up on rescue missions. Design studies are ongoing for the Munar lander/orbiter complex; not all of the required techs have been discovered yet, but I've been designing and tweaking a little as a time as I can, and they'll be ready to go once I have everything in place.
  22. Fulfilled a couple of satellite contracts... collecting Funds to upgrade the VAB.
  23. Didn't have time to do much, but I worked some more on a Munar lander design and an un-kerballed instrument platform.
  24. Tell me how you can cheat while playing with Lego. This is Lego with a simulation engine.
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