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Everything posted by MaxwellsDemon

  1. Hi... still battling KAS, still obviously haven't gotten the hang of it. What is the precise sequence of clicks and keystrokes needed to (1) take a connector from inventory and attach it to the side of a vessel, and (2) link that connector to a connector on a nearby vessel? Here's what's happening: (1) Hellena Kerman, 2nd level engineer, is equipped with an electric screwdriver in her right hand, and has connectors in her inventory. I take a connector from her inventory, move the mouse to where I want the connector to be, and press H to affix it. I left-click, and the connector falls to the ground. I hit G to pick it back up and place it in inventory and then repeat that cycle until I pull my hair out. The connector shows green where I attempt to place it, and I get no "out of range" message. I have managed to do this successfully before, so I'm thinking I'm hitting a wrong key or doing something out of sequence... but what? (2) With already-existing connectors, I right click on one to enable Link mode, EVA to the other vessel, and right-click on that connector. No right-click menu appears. I am still within range-- the pipe "carried" by Hellena is still green, and the connector is not out of reach. Repeated right clicks do not bring up a right-click menu to complete the connection. What is happening, and what am I doing wrong?
  2. Well, there are two possibilities: 1) you're on the far end of a normal curve, or 2) a mod is messing something up. Are you running any, or are you running "vanilla"?
  3. Yeah... why not just ignore the ones you don't want? It's not like they're going to give me a contract for precisely the mission I have in my head at any one time. I just take the satellite launches and such when I can to pay the bills, and then I build and launch what I want.
  4. Random. I've gotten a fairly even sample of professions; you may just be getting "lucky." (On the other hand, there was an issue where a mod (Asteroid Day) was making them all female, but that was fixed in the Asteroid Day release for 1.0.5.)
  5. I'm sort of in this boat. I've noticed I have a nice, high rep score on my current campaign but I have no earthly (or Kerbinly) idea what it's good for, other than to make me feel good.
  6. I'm seeing this as well, though not with every decoupler... wondering if it's part-specific? I am on build 1028.
  7. Got 1.05 installed and up and running with updated-for-1.05 mods; a tiny bit of surgery was required on the persistent.sfs file because there was one mod that, although updated, I elected not to install (but I had a couple of ships on missions with parts from that mod that had to be corrected). Launched three Jool double-probes because a good transfer window is opening up for me; my first Eve probe got into orbit, though it ran out of delta V before I could get it into exactly the orbit I wanted. Its subsidiary probe made a flyby of Gilly. Another one arrives in a few Kerbin days, so I have a mulligan; but I did get some good science out of it already.
  8. Sounds good. I had a situation earlier in my current campaign where a lander was wrecked when trying to shift position, and then the ship I sent to rescue them had a hard landing that wrecked the main engine bell, stranding THAT crew as well... a third and re-designed lander was required. (I left the wreckage in place as a memorial to the event, though all Kerbals did get home safely.)
  9. Downloaded and installed 1.0.5. Along with about eight zillion other Kerbonauts.
  10. That happens to me sometimes... seems to have been happening more often of late (or I'm just getting increasingly tired of it). I haven't found a way to correct it short of shutting KSP down and starting over.
  11. Figured out why my attempts at launching the MunBase One support module kept ending up plowing into the ground outside the tracking station... for some reason the orientation of the probe core had it thinking it should be pointed tail up! Once corrected, successfully landing it on the Mun was straightforward. Now, to send the crew up and hook everything together...
  12. Built a carrier craft for a large Munar rover; against all expectation, it made it into orbit after a very shaky ascent, but did not have sufficient fuel remaining to make the trip to the Mun. With regret, the vessel was destroyed in orbit and Werner von Kerman's team went back to the drawing board... plans also advanced for completing MunBase One, expected to become operational this weekend. Update... grumble... now having issues with my booster flipping. Wrong end toward space...
  13. This has been referenced before, in: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/135149-Weird-Balls-appear-in-Space I see it sometimes. I think the most recent explanation is that it has something to do with the Distant Object Enhancement mod (which I think is a component of the Astronomer's Visual Pack), but I don't know that anyone's come up with a fix.
  14. Your mileage may vary. It appears that the experiences that people have with game instability differ widely, with some individuals experiencing far more problems than others. (Occam's razor-- most likely because of different system capabilities and differing mod loads, plus no two individuals are doing exactly the same thing with the game...)
  15. I've no trouble believing you. I've come very close that record myself, depending on whether one counts the kerbals I temporarily "lost" as I related earlier...
  16. I have killed zero (net result). By "net result" I mean that there was one mission where I splashed down with a Hitchhiker can underneath my command pod, and only the pod was recovered-- the occupants of the can were classed as Missing. But then, the next time I went into the astronaut center, they had apparently been found and made their way back to KSC. (?) (I've been careful to make my landings on land since then if the craft consists of anything more than a command pod, just to be on the safe side...)
  17. Landed the command/living quarters module of MunBase One; today's project: land the lab facilities and hook everything together!
  18. Oh... I count the times when the game hangs and is unresponsive as "crashes." No, I can't recall actually being crashed out to the desktop.
  19. I use -force-opengl . What would -popupwindow do for me? ETA: I thoroughly enjoy KSP... but it's despite the instability on my system, not because of it, and I'm thoroughly envious of people that have fewer issues than i do...
  20. Really? I don't have high part counts, and am running 1.04, and I get crashes on a regular basis-- usually linked to moving in and out of the VAB and/or the Tracking Station, or reverting a flight, all of of which I gather are memory-related.
  21. When two landed vessels/bases are linked with KAS pipes, does that count as "docked" for the purposes of fulfilling base contracts? They appear to behave like docked vessels from what I've seen so far. In other words, if I landed two bases and connected them with KAS, would they count as one base?
  22. What I did prior to my first Science campaign was to identify specific parts I wanted to use (e.g., nuclear rockets or rover wheels), and then determine which steps I needed to research in which order to get there. Once there, I went back and "cleaned up" the techs I'd gone past.
  23. Midway through assembling my first Munar base in East Crater... landed a refinery and two tankers to join an existing drill rig. Next step: hook them together using KAS and run lines out to the planned landing zones for refuelling stations; then, land a command section, living quarters, a lab, and a rover. Probably the biggest single project I've attempted so far!
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