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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. He’d call it New Alexandria or something like that if he followed the same naming scheme.
  2. Well, best of luck. Hopefully it won't end up like most other Russian interplanetary missions, on the bottom of the ocean. stranded in heliocentric orbit with no comms. exploded at launch. all of the above.
  3. Maybe it's not about humans, but about rockets themselves. Suborbital, orbital, lunar, transoceanic?
  4. It’s because Orion can’t make a round trip to low lunar orbit. Also, direct communications possible most of the time.
  5. Probably something similar to what the Shuttle TPS was made of. I think it’s more or less permanent, but who knows with SpaceX these days. Ceramics with a high melting point and low thermal conductivity most likely
  6. Some kind of tiles on the windward side. Hello Shuttle?
  7. The second one should be named Sir Liftsalot!
  8. If Starships are indeed going to be fully and rapidly reusable, do you think they’ll have names, like Shuttle orbiters?
  9. Would it be practical to skip straight to Block 2, now that FH is a thing? FH can do EM- missions to NRHO (with a kick stage, no co-manifested cargo), Gateway can also be built and serviced with commercial heavy rockets. Only Block 1B can do things that commercials can’t (yet). Block 2 will be useful for things like heavy landers, base modules, pressurized rovers, etc. Of course, when Starship comes, there will be no sense in continuing SLS development. But until then it still makes a bit of sense.
  10. Discussed that in the SLS thread. Orion can use its own propulsion to finish the TLI injection. Problems: FH needs a custom payload adapter to integrate with DCSS, and 39A will need to be plumbed for hydrogen.
  11. Looks like they're doing rocket cams now.
  12. I'm calculating that in my spreadsheet. We're talking about Falcon Super Heavy with 4 boosters.
  13. With no booster reuse, this monster can push almost 39 tons to GTO. With full reuse (2x RTLS, 2x ASDS booster landings) GTO payload drops to around 31 tons. Central core separates at around 5 km/s and burns up in all configurations.
  14. Don't need RSS for that, a spreadsheet will suffice. I have such a spreadsheet, but I'm not at home yet.
  15. The beauty of cost-plus pricing strategy.
  16. Slight correction, the Congress ordered NASA to build SLS, from specific parts made by specific manufacturers (who have political power). I'm not sure if NASA had any say in this.
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