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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. 4 hours? The rocket must already be waiting on the pad. Not sure if you can load your cargo at that point. There's also a good chance of scrub because of weather.
  2. Well... three dead because of LES, actually. They were ground personnel, but I guess it counts? http://www.russianspaceweb.com/soyuz-7k-ok-no1-explosion.html
  3. Bory Truno, Jeff Who and Melon Musk walk into a bar...
  4. Are they planning to do any more Raptor test firings? More thrust, pressure, longer duration maybe? Or are they going to disassemble this one and inspect every part of it for potential damages?
  5. Went skiing above the clouds in Sochi. The visibility inside a cloud isn’t great. Mountain range. The Sun is identical in size and brightness to the Moon if viewed through a cloud and a ski mask. Sadly, the phone camera can’t capture this. It looked really weird and surreal, like a full Moon during the day. (Sorry for slightly misplaced helmet...) Dusk (as seen from a moving bus).
  6. Found this awesome scheme of methane oxidation mechanism.
  7. The reason why I don't think LES is a good idea is because it only covers a tiny fraction of possible failure situations. It can only save lives if a failure happens during the burn of Super Heavy or shortly after the stage sep. LES is useless later into the launch. It won't help if a failure happens in orbit, during tanker randezvous, docking, refilling, departure burn, in transit to Mars/Moon, during atmospheric entry and landing, on the surface of another body, during liftoff from that body, burn to Earth and Earth atmospheric entry. It needs to be safe in all of these situations, not just first few minutes of launch. Airplanes are as safe as they are now not because passengers have escape pods. So I think that instead of investing their time and money into the implementation of Starship LES, SpaceX should focus on making failures less likely.
  8. First Russian hypersonic space drone... yeah. https://translate.google.ru/translate?sl=ru&tl=en&u=https%3A%2F%2Flenta.ru%2Fnews%2F2019%2F02%2F04%2Fdrone%2F Seems to be suborbital, but hey, it's a start. - Good morning, Mr. Starship, don't mind me, just flying by... observing...
  9. TBH, the more I think about it, the more I become convinced that LES on a Starship is a bad idea.
  10. It runs on liquid farts, so I guess it smells like burnt farts
  11. I think @Xd the great was talking about pyrolysis, not oxidation. Also, methane-oxygen reaction only produces CO2 and H2O if it’s complete, which isn’t always the case.
  12. I do. It costs more than RTLS landing. With fully reusable system difference in maximum payload doesn’t really matter that much; cost increase from droneship operations, on the other hand, may be undesirable.
  13. "We finally found a place for a launchpad, let's capture this historical moment and remember the heroes who were... choosing the place... whatever, just take the photo already!"
  14. Which cold gas, methane? It needs to be available on Mars as well.
  15. Yes, on this design, but not SpaceX-style. Their CEO said in an interview that they’re looking into hypersonic chutes and small dedicated landing engines. http://www.forbes.ru/tehnologii/368767-v-kosmos-za-svoi-dengi-kak-s7-space-sdelaet-svoyu-raketu-i-gruzovoy-korabl Anyway, it’s much more interesting to me than Roscosmos stuff. Big projects like Vostochny, Angara, Federatsia, etc. have a habit of being delayed 2 years every 2 years or so. People in charge of these projects regularly get fired, jailed or found dead from unknown causes. It’s all so sketchy and dodgy that I don’t really expect any of those things to be completed in foreseeable future. On the other hand, private company like S7 Space is a business; it’ll either make their rockets work in reasonable time or go broke. Much more interesting to watch.
  16. Soyuz-7 hype! AFAIK, rapid reuse is planned for stage 1 and spaceship.
  17. Wiki says 96t. Let's say we added two Merlin engines (fore and aft) and 100t of kerolox. Should be around 200t total. Very roughly, at ~1 MN thrust one engine should produce 0.5g of acceleration.
  18. What if they installed Merlin engines at Mr. Steven for better control? - Captain, we’re going too fast! - Fire retro thrusters, full throttle! *BOOOOOOM* full stop after 3 seconds. Can be used for acceleration, too.
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