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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. - Elon trashing international cooperation in space industry.
  2. Only if you inhale/ingest it. And then it's metabolized and released by your body fairly quickly. I work with tritium a lot (well, used to work a lot, now using cheaper and safer alternative). If it's contained, even in plastic, it's harmless.
  3. In 2028 it'll be Vulcan with BE-4. Could be interesting to see this hybrid.
  4. But that's the most interesting part, central core. Everything else we already knew.
  5. And fairing. No reentry burn, it looks like. I like the fact that the legs can extend and fold back on their own.
  6. So, big question. Does it not have a heat shield on these photos? PICA-X is supposed to be black, and it should be covering the insides of SuperDraco pods and bottom of the capsule. It's like that on SpaceX renderings of Dragon 2. But on these photos there's just metal.
  7. Why didn’t they keep extendable solar arrays, like those on Dragon 1? Cheaper to make fixed ones? More reliable?
  8. Soyuz scrubbed because of some winds? lol
  9. Third scrub today, along with NS and Soyuz. Must be a record or something. But tomorrow there will be quite a launch rally: 1) Delta 2) Falcon 9 3) Soyuz 4) New Shepard 5) ISRO rocket (not in that order)
  10. I’m 90% sure that the decoupler sound is from KSP!
  11. Well, NASA doesn’t have a plan for manned interplanetary mission either. Nor does anyone else, except maybe SpaceX, if their BFR works as advertised.
  12. More like butcher's accuracy (from what we saw).
  13. Here's your proof that reuse doesn't work! Booster landings - cheap publicity stunt!
  14. He got the sample though. And collected some dust with sandpaper instrument.
  15. Guessed, based on how light these pieces of foil are. They have found the hole.
  16. Nah, it's not that bad. The sheets are super light for their size and surface area, and will deorbit in a week or two.
  17. Does anyone have accurate numbers for B5 stage 1 dry and wet masses (without legs and fins)? I tried to google it, and numbers are all over the place, from 16t to 25t dry mass, for example.
  18. “Dmitry, see this 100 ton particle beam? We want it in space. Here’s moneys.”
  19. Not again, it's 100+ tons BECAUSE of this change. Elon didn't talk about it at Dear Moon presentation, but knew about the changes. That plus no vacuum Raptors reduced the payload from 150 to 100t.
  20. Well, I can only see the brightest stars from where I live, like Altair, etc. Terrible light pollution...
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