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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Looks like an old world wreck from Fallout.
  2. What if someone wanted to put a 60t solid slab of metal in LEO? FH will be able to do it, everything else - not so much, except maybe SLS. It can be then used as a material to 3D-print a space habitat or whatever else. I think I read about several companies doing R&D to eventually print things in space.
  3. Strap those SSMEs to ET instead, add a second stage on top, and you've got SLS. ...Hmm, why then SLS Block 1 doesn't have 130t+ throw to LEO?
  4. Meaning that you need to develop and have assembly lines for N different rockets and spacecraft instead of one. See, there are always pros and cons for these things.
  5. But the delay isn't because they don't have money, or couldn't do it in time. It's because they switched FH/Dragon 2 for BFR. Obviously, it couldn't be completed by 2018. Hence the delay.
  6. 2/3 recovered. You mentioned Falcon Heavy, Dragon 2 and Delta IV in your post, which are three different things. Dragon 2 won't launch on FH (even if it could, there wouldn't be 20+ tons of additional cargo), and Delta IV is something else entirely. Individual rockets and spacecrafts may do one specific job better than the Shuttle, but none of them can do everything at once. While also being recoverable/reusable. SpaceX has its own inverstors. BFR has a customer already. Money will also be coming from Starlink.
  7. Artifacts of an ancient spacefaring civilization. Even now, they’re impressive. Energia-Buran could’ve done so much, but was instead killed and turned into a pitiful wreck, like many great projects of that time.
  8. In this case, the source is Roscosmos's own video. No need to question the accuracy of news sites, you can just go and watch it yourself if you don't trust the media.
  9. Should apply some diplomacy. “We are absolutely not trying to steal clients from Roscosmos, no no no! It’s the evil Americanski SpaceX we’re competing against!”
  10. Well, as a private company, they have no reason to waste time aimlessly. It has to generate profits!
  11. They claim that the first new Zenit will be ready for assembly by January 2019. So it must be working...
  12. At this rate, S7 Space will have its own reusable rocket Soyuz-7 sooner than Roscosmos launches Soyuz-5. And a reusable spacecraft before Federation.
  13. That’s what static fires are for, discovering potential failures before they have a chance to become catastrophic.
  14. Meaning that F9 can now launch Mars rovers, interplanetary probes, etc. For reference, F9 can send 4t to Mars, and MSL spacecraft (carrying Curiosity) had a mass of 3.9t. I'm not sure if F9 can launch nuclear materials, though.
  15. Which means it would launch from Vandenberg most likely. I also think that Raptor upper stage is possible, they need to test it before BFR. Pad upgrades for methane shouldn’t be that hard to do. edit: ok, it’s Merlin Vac. And it won’t land propulsively.
  16. Funny thing, just couple of hours ago I thought that if Blue Origin made a returnable upper stage for New Glenn, it would be VERY useful and profitable, even if mass to LEO would be lowered to that of F9.
  17. Nothing new, Apollo LM did that first. And then there was DC-X. And then New Shepard. /s
  18. At first I got all excited, but then I realized that it's Russia we're talking about...
  19. This is so stupid. Wasn’t it just a conspiracy theory nonsense made up by media for clicks? Last time I checked, psychos weren’t allowed on the ISS
  20. Some good points about colonization of outer space and its legal implications.
  21. All made of composites, except maybe pipes and cables, but those can be insulated.
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