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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. That part is easy. U.S. military rocket cargo program for SpaceX's Starship and others (cnbc.com) AmurShip when?
  2. Without strong commercial sat and rocket manufacturers, there’s only stagnation and fall into irrelevance due to mismanagement and underfunding. Ok fine, put the entire Roscosmos back into the military (to tap into the military budgets), but then there should be a separate agency that orders launches and payloads on a competitive basis from Roscosmos-linked or private firms. Subsidise the sector if it’s unprofitable at first. Some oligarchs might get interested.
  3. 1. Decouple the military half of Roscosmos and give it to the military. They can keep Rogozin as a space commander or whatever. 2. Privatize the civilian half if there’s anything of value left. Leave Roscosmos to only distribute fix-price government contracts for civilian and science launches.
  4. Wrote what I think about this, but the post turned out to be full of politics and strong language... TL/DR: Idiots shouldn’t run a space program.
  5. You can see where they were going with this.
  6. Bad idea to wreck the thing that has your own cosmonauts on it.
  7. Is that a “skill”, working in crunch conditions? IMO, stress tolerance is more of a personality trait than a skill. In my experience, regardless of skill level and expertise, some people will start freaking out and having mental breaks, while others will be perfectly chill and composed, there’s no training that can fix that. And if SpaceX has 3 shifts working 24/7, that’s already pretty darn fast, without the need for putting extra stress on the people with harsh deadlines.
  8. Wow, thanks! I don’t often create new threads, I’ve made maybe 3 or 4 in total since I joined in 2015, so seeing my thread being mentioned in TOTM is a huge surprise! Maybe this is a sign that I should make more of them?
  9. From RT: Given that “Admiral Kuznetsov” is currently in repairs until 2022, what (and which country’s) aircraft carrier are they going to use as a practice target? Will the carrier crew be notified in advance, or will there be a surprise test?
  10. That can count as a “high-gee adventure” and cost extra fee for the tourists.
  11. No big deal, Progress can do that. Or Cygnus. Maybe Starship in the future.
  12. Atlas V uses different engines. Still can’t see how Antares engines relate to Bezos.
  13. Ok, remove CO2 but leave some of it nearby (in orbit). CO2 ice asteroids. Deorbit these asteroids when C is needed for plants.
  14. First remove CO2, then bring water. Use some water to make hydrogen.
  15. Mine Europa for water ice, it has twice as much water as Earth.
  16. At 8:00 in the OP video they propose to use another set of mirrors to create an artificial day-night cycle. Spinning the planet up is a task on a completely different technological level than the rest of techniques mentioned in the video.
  17. https://tass.com/science/1312021 That’s well within physics range!
  18. Put a magnetic satellite in L1 point between Sun and Venus, it will protect the planet. When we can build planet-size mirrors to cool Venus, magnetic satellites will be trivial. https://phys.org/news/2017-03-nasa-magnetic-shield-mars-atmosphere.html
  19. NASA proposed a magnetic satellite to protect the atmosphere of Mars, I’m sure something like that can be done for Venus when the atmosphere is stabilised. Also, atmosphere escapes into space very slowly, it takes millions of years, and mostly affects hydrogen atoms. If we can bring more ice from Europa, the process can be compensated. And why much smaller population? Eventually it can grow to be billions.
  20. Cooling Venus with enormous space mirrors sounds crazy and awesome. Terraforming also requires some speculative technologies like space tethers, mass drivers and mining of Mercury and Europa for materials. What do you think, does this plan look good? I see some minor issues with the way it was laid out in the video, though. For example, they suggest removing CO2 ice from frozen Venus using mass drivers, forgetting that there’s still a 3 bar nitrogen atmosphere left. Firing a mass driver in a 3 bar atmosphere will probably cause spectacular fireworks and explosions. Also, do you believe that humanity can actually commit to a thousand-year project like this, that won’t be of any economic benefit and will cost a tremendous amount of money, without some kind of authoritarian political will?
  21. Not in English, I did a rough translation from
  22. In Russian social media the MLM “Nauka” is often expanded as “Misfortunate Laboratory Module” instead of “Multipurpose”.
  23. Not bad, Musk said before that they plan to make an 18m Starship in the future.
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