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Everything posted by sh1pman

  1. Maybe a launch escape system test at max-Q or something like that.
  2. Is it supposed to add lens flare to engine exhaust? In my game scatterer doesn't really do anything to engine effects.
  3. "The "vacuum" or high area ratio Raptors can operate at full thrust at sea level. Not recommended".
  4. I can't really see how it would give any yaw control.
  5. I've been launching 3.75m BFRs all day in KSP today. Man, they're great in career mode! Way easier to fly than SSTOs, easy to recover first stage with StageRecovery mod, lots and lots of delta-v with refueling (did a direct Moho transfer with 20t payload). I even managed to land a BF Ship on top of Mission Control. Don't know how BFR will work out in real life, but in KSP it rocks. UPD: Here's a few nice screenshots:
  6. >The engine thrust dropped roughly in proportion to the vehicle mass reduction from the first IAC talk. In order to be able to land the BF Ship with an engine failure at the worst possible moment, you have to have multiple engines. The difficulty of deep throttling an engine increases in a non-linear way, so 2:1 is fairly easy, but a deep 5:1 is very hard. Granularity is also a big factor. If you just have two engines that do everything, the engine complexity is much higher and, if one fails, you've lost half your power. Btw, we modified the BFS design since IAC to add a third medium area ratio Raptor engine partly for that reason (lose only 1/3 thrust in engine out) and allow landings with higher payload mass for the Earth to Earth transport function. Interesting. So looks like he went all in with this surface-to-surface idea.
  7. How do we know which ones he answers? There are thousands of questions, is there a filter by user or something?
  8. They can also use wind or hydro power for electrolysis. 100% eco-friendly.
  9. "Rockot", that's a cool name for a rocket.
  10. @RoverDudeIs it ok if I add a warehouse module to USI-LS supplies and fertilizer tanks?
  11. You can check their production speed in the part description of an Industrial Refinery in VAB and do the math.
  12. If you can refuel in Mun orbit, it makes sense to start your interplanetary missions there (or even better, from Minmus). Refuel, burn as if you're returning to Kerbin (80km periapsis), and finally, burn at Kerbin periapsis to get an intercept with wherever you're going.
  13. Both BFR and a constellation? Yea, that sounds realistic Has SpaceX found a way to reuse money or something?
  14. Even after launches to LEO? They shouldn't be as hot as GTO launches.
  15. Maybe the new ones have titanium fins. This booster was probably using its original fins, and will have them replaced with titanium ones, because now they're toast.
  16. https://sci-hub.cc/saveme/aa29/10.1038@nature24051.pdf
  17. No other way to test waffle irons, gotta heat em up.
  18. It did adopt MaterialKits, but SpecializedParts came originally with MKS.
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