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Everything posted by Gnoyze

  1. Looks cool, but I'll wait for stock-alike or pork-alike textures.
  2. I thought these looked like Macross engines! Way to go! (awesome anime btw. Song and dance + Mech combat is the best combo) +1 and downloading now!
  3. I like this mod, but starting out has always frustrated me for the simple fact that of the 4 starting contracts, the two you don't accept will expire before your first ship is built. Is this the mod or did I do something wrong?
  4. I've seen that Space Hangar thing before, what mod is that a part of? (the skeleton thing that ships dock in for repairs and construction and so on.)
  5. I had this idea while at work. While having nothing relating to my job it seemed like a brilliant idea. Almost everyone who plays KSP one time or another uses the offset tool to embed parts into what they attach to, or turns on part clipping so that they can build complicated rockets or aerospace craft. However, clipping parts into each other does not take into account that the part mass and volume should be reduced, because part clipping does not work with real physics. This is where my idea comes in, Fabricating new parts that are already in the game. DISCLAIMER: You could say this is another welding mod, but I am making no attempt to discredit UbioZur, Alewx, or girka2k. I simply wish to work in a different direction. They had an amazing idea and are the father to my brainchild here. Credit goes to them for the Original Concept. Here is also my request to ask both @Alewx and @girka2kfor assistance and advice. ♦Fabricated parts list: Yes I know, your first question is how to save or remove a fabrication you made. There will be a button on the stock toolbar/blizzy's toolbar that allows you to view that vessel's fabricated parts, and undo the fabrications. You may them remove the individual part without damaging your whole ship beyond repair. ♦ Part Embedding: In a pickle...? This involves embedding the child part into the parent part. Say you want to take that monopropellant tank and embed it halfway into the surface your fuel tank, well, you have just lost some of the available volume of that tank, and the mesh is pushed inward as you embed the monopropellant. When/if the monoprop tank is removed/destroyed, a divot still remains. Want to put a mk0 reserve tank into your main tank? Sure, you can do that too in exchange for sacrificing some volume of the main tank. This of course will result in a realistic net total of less volume than both tanks separated. (subtracting gross volume of the Mk0 from the internal volume of the Mk1) ♦ Part Cutting: Health hazard Now those fins on your rocket. They're a bit too big yes? but you like the way they look. Well, just push them into your fuel tank. You wont lose any fuel, but you will lose a little bit of mass as the root of your fins are sawed off. ♦ Part Welding: Say "Goodbye" to Wibble Wobble Jack! Have parts that pass through each other such as wings, fixed landing gears, etc, but dont want to use endless struts? Select the two intersecting parts and click "weld". This essentially will attach the two parts where they intersect, allowing chain-body physics to still be in use but keeping them intersecting at the same point. An invisible strut if you will. Note: This will not reduce nor increase part count. It is simply a way to add stability without the need for struts. It is still possible to break the weld in flight by collision or other such damage. ♦ Part will [Not] be clipped: Yes. Ever Enabled part clipping to use the same node for more than one child part, but hated that you couldn't cut back on dry mass? (Yes I know, it goes Parent part, child part, where the 2nd child part attaches to the node that the first child part shares with the parent part.) This will take the child parts, find the common line of intersection, cut away the clipping area and reduce the dry/wet mass and volume of the remaining parts. These parts can still break off in individuals and you will see the cut away (or rather smoothed in) area where the parts met together without(or with minimal, since you dont want air going between) clipping. Imagine taking two Curvy's and attaching them to a Mk3 part. However attach them both so that the mk2 attachment necks are separate. Select the funtion and then the two parts and the clipping areas will be removed, reducing the dry mass and decreasing the internal volume of the parts. This will also attempt to link both parts to the parent node so that breaking one will not cause the other to be lost. As a stability measure, the parts will weld(refer to Part Welding section) at the intersection to provide stability. These were the only ideas I have so far. More suggested would be awesome, as well as anyone willing to take on this project will be thanked, and anyone willing to teach me how to mod and write code will have my special thanks for life.
  6. WHERE HAS THIS MOD BEEN? Lol. I really should check the forums more often as not everyone uses CKAN. Thanks for including it though. And someone really loves their Trigonometry I see.
  7. I will suggest this to @kimiko as an addition to their N.A.N.A. Wildfire mod, as this seems like it would go well with their mod.
  8. @kimiko Fire extinguisher is cool, but as for Fire Suppression System part, maybe something a bit more like this? Just Search "Aerospace Fire Bottles" for more inspiration. Normal Fire Extinguisher is cool, but I'd almost expect it to be a KAS/KIS part for kerbals to use (Hint hint) to manually extinguish a part.
  9. @OhioBob Adding the Venus-Eve config to the new RA config. Here's hoping it works. Also thought about adding Kerbal Wind and giving Eve some Venus-like wind. Will have to find that thread.
  10. @OhioBob Will I need to edit the Venus-like Eve config or should it still be fine with the 1.1 version?
  11. @tetryds do you have any plan to assign R&D nodes to the parts? Just wondering, cause it would be cool to use them in science and career mode without having all of them at the start node.
  12. @SuicidalInsanity Hey man, love the pack, but I was curious if you would be interested in doing Mk0 form factor parts as another mod. You did awesome with this and your others, I think you'd do great with those too. Mk0 doesn't get enough love, but small parts are fun to use, especially on planes. (Yeah, I could use tweakscale but I dont like that mod.)
  13. Does anyone have configs for this yet? I have yet to fully grasp what this does, but does it make it possible that I wont go from being able to use 30 parts to building up to 255 parts in one upgrade?
  14. I've been flying planes without SAS more frequently to obtain a smoother flight, and now with 1.1 there's an option to dedicate the reaction wheel control to SAS only, Pilot only, and normal. However a few things are missing I believe. 1) Ability to set Pilot control, SAS control, or Normal control to control surfaces. 2) Ability to change Reaction wheel mode to Dampener, allowing you to dampen your rotation along the x,y, and z axis. This would allow for smoother craft turning, without the jerky movement we have currently. 3) Ability to adjust the dampener of reaction wheels (along x,y and z axis individually or as a whole),engine vectors, steering wheels, and control surfaces so you're not forced to change your attitude quickly and suddenly if you dont want to. I know how stubborn you are. 4) Ability to set the Vector control of engines to Pilot only and SAS only, as well as Normal. 5) Ability to create presets for control surfaces and bind them to an action group.
  15. Bump. I also like this idea. As well as adding the ability to lock specific stages while in the VAB/SPH.
  16. Thanks man, you're awesome. First thing I'm gonna do is see what "floats" in the atmosphere. Thanks man, I was thinking of using this too (until I can figure out a work-around and make the atmo an ocean(which really is just a tweaked atmo now))
  17. Thanks man. Looking forward to it. Also, is it possible to "splash down" and save a vessel as "landed" in the upper troposphere? (the really dense ocean of carbon dioxide)
  18. Changed my mind. XD I need to save ram atm so I'm trying to thin down on the mods I'm using. The Venus-like Eve config will be fine. I mostly will be simulating atmospheric colonization.
  19. Actually, I do plan on just changing the atmo of eve (for now) so the config data would be awesome. Also, Eve's gravity stays slightly lower than kerbin's right? "crushing gravity" isn't really the same as "dense troposphere" (is Eve given an ocean to simulate the troposphere? and allow you to save your vessel "splashed down" on/in it?)
  20. And Eve(venus) was why I'm here... I'm looking for a mod that makes Eve like Venus so that the large atmosphere gets very dense and very hot at the surface. The barometric pressure is high, which would cause most things to float higher in the atmosphere (very soupy works too). I plan to use such an atmosphere along with a mod that allows me to stop and save mid-flight in atmo. This is all in my goal to simulate Project Venus. Thank you. Is it possible to edit the given data into the config? (thinking it may be necessary to give Eve a carbon dioxide ocean to replace the troposphere... that way you can actually float there. (How would you make the surface fuzzy, i.e. give it a gradual transition from sea level pressure of the ocean/tropo and the rest of the atmo being pretty close))
  21. @SuicidalInsanity Just noticed the Mk2 Mobile Processing Lab has 4 seats but only 2 can be used. Could you make an optional config that enables all 4? (I already use a mod that enables all 6 seats in the Stock MPL so there's no imbalance issues for me here)
  22. All this bickering has me generally liquided off. "Fine. I'm a steam user. I will not opt in for the open beta so I hope the release is delayed another week and a half because of a bug I may not have reported due to not being an open tester. Secondly I will stop playing my legitimately bought version of KSP and will instead download and distribute a pirated copy of the game." Should I take this stance? The above is rather stupid, yet all this stupid bickering about who gets to have the opportunity to beta test the 1.1 experimental builds is driving me to my wits end. Sadly I'm not even hyped for the update but rather liquided off at the community. If this is the way the KSP community is, I DON'T want to be apart of it. Last and Final. Goodbye and Good night. Pessimism: 85% (Apparently any community can quickly become acidic and it's not just LoL and DoTA, both of which have terrible communities now)
  23. I'm sorry that you feel betrayed, but after it came out on steam there was a way to transfer over. And again, Squad is not trying to be unfair, simply they need to do a bit more testing and their launcher doesn't have the infrastructure to do micro updates multiple times a day. Again, those that use steam will not have access to the official release early, they will have access to a more or less bugged version that needs all the rest of the bugs squashed. that's where player crash reports and bug reports come into play. On a side note, I would much rather have bought KSP on the site to help the devs, but I bought it on steam cause I was unaware at the time. TL;DR: Squad isn't meaning to be unfair or to betray the trust of their supporters, things just happened to be taken that way.
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