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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. Can you load the game without Extended Kerbol System ( I feel something is wrong there) + is it possible to screenshot your Gamedata folder, KSS folder/Celestials? + logs?
  2. Then honestly i dont know what causes it not to work ... all KSS testers had a succesfull installation and didn’t report a part not working. The only thing i can come up with is just load the game with kss_core. And see how your game reacts. Then trial and error the other parts. If one causes the game not to load i can see what’s bugging it. I know the custom sciencedefs didnt show up. They should work in 0.8.2, if not i’ll try to fix them asap. ** Remove GFS and replace it by Flare Replacer, I made a mistake there.
  3. thx! It was 1AM when I uploaded 0.8.2 :p sorry for the confusion, my bad. - changed all documents
  4. @Darkspace All your errors are related to InterstellarFuelSwitch and ContractConfigurator. I see nothing KSS related. So Maybe try removing those mods (as a test) and load the game again.
  5. So the infinite loadingscreen? @Darkspace i’m sorry to hear you have so much trouble to make kss work properly. But when you report an issue, please be more specific. I need logs, screenshots of gamedata, which parts of kss are installed, ... I can’t fix anything if i dont know what can cause them. There could be an issue with another mod you have installed along kss ... so i really need more specific info. I also advice you to read the installation readme file. The update was meant to make installation easier. Around Nela, a proto star.
  6. Released KSS 0.8.2 - Restructured the entire mod for easier installation and updates in the future. - Added compatibility with GPP, GPO, OWR and ExtraSolar - Added patches for Galileo's Sun Flares and Instantiator (see INSTALLATION_README) - Various fixes - Updated README-file - much more ** screenshot uses both Galileo's Sun Flares and Instantiator. Flare Replacer as a solution for the issues with scatterer sunflares in KSS Because of the FPS impact from the stellar object's scatterer flares, not everyone could use scatterer. Well there is now a little 'solution'. KSS is now compatible with Flare Replacer, this mod replaces the boring stockflares with fancy ones! What KSS does: When Flare Replacer mod is installed along with Scatterer, KSS will disable the scattererflares and turn on Flare Replacer. This reduces the FPS impact and allows you to use the scatterer planetshaders. BUT you won't have nebula's.
  7. I can't fix the loading time because it's caused by scatterer, remove scatterer and EVE and you can run all the systems together. It's not up to me to fix scatterer as it is not my mod. It's also adviced to use the newest version of kopernicus because one of the previous versions bugged loading times. The bug you described is known - in the README file and can't be fixed.
  8. Released KSS 0.8.1 (small update) - Added compatibility with GPP and OWR (more will come) - Changed SOI's of stars in the Kelios Arm, based on mass now (not star type) - Various small fixes - Updated README-file https://github.com/StarCrusher96/Kerbal-Star-Systems/releases/tag/V0.8.1
  9. I found out i can actually make them. Kss is not compatible with OPM. Working on the patch
  10. @Darkspace Every planet mod is suffering from long loading times when visual mods are installed. This happened after the 1.4+ release I think. But you can install a full kss without visuals and it will run very smooth! I got between 30-50 fps on a 8RAM device and above 50 on a 16. I dont want to point at scatterer but i noticed the majority of the framedrops are caused by it. So my guess is that it hasn’t been optimized for 1.4+. I also noticed scatterer flares have more impact in kss, so turning them off might help too if you still want to try/continue with visuals. i hope this explains a few things, kss has still a few bugs but for 0.8 i tried my best to improve performance and i’m surprised you’re having these problems.
  11. making it is nothing ... but I can't code a functional wormhole, I'm only good at making textures (so only planets etc ...)
  12. @Darkspace Try running without scatterer and EVE, seems like scatterer impacts RAM the most in combination with KSS. If your game runs better than you know the visuals are too much. As a fix ... well nothing can fix it. Dont forget kss is a big mod, bigger than most planetmods so I always advice (if 8 Gb of RAM) to combine KSS basic with only 1 or 2 systems, 3 if it’s 1 big and 2 smaller systems.
  13. A: It should not happen but i can't garantee this. B: in 0.8 Karkua's G = 3067, this should fix the problem. (you can find Karkua's cfg -> KSS/KopernicusFiles/Stars/Nexus/Nexus_Karkua) C: haha thx! and sorry for killing your computer!
  14. Yeah sure. Yes that’s a bug from kss 0.7.3 it’s fixed in 0.8 though. If you lower Karkua’s gravity it will be fixed. I do not longer fix 0.7.3 because 0.8 works on 1.3.1 too.
  15. @Darkspacei haven’t been home but i’m looking at it later today! From what i could read, there must be something wrong with your installation of scatterer and kss scatterer. To install it correctly you just download the latest version of scatterer and make sure the scatterer folder is in gamedata. afterwards you download kss_scatterer and make sure the kss_scatterer folder is in the kds folder. sidenote: if you installed the kermes galaxy and then removed it, it can cause this problem you have too. Removing a planet or moon can cause this too in some cases. But i’ll be checking out your logs later today! @Kontrole thx for your review! Based on it, I’ll be making a few changes to make stuff more clear!
  16. @Darkspace can you post your logs (zipped) and a screenshot of your Gamedata folder and KSS folder? the ground ksc bug is a reparenting thing and i’m currently looking for a fix. I think the daylight bug is caused by having scatterer and kss scatterer being messed up but i need your logs and screenshots to confirm this. I noticed duna’s scatterer is stock and not kss so i think kss scatterer is in the wrong folder/direction. That ‘s why they’re pointing at the Sun (the All) instead of Kerbol.
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