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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. When I first started out with KSS in 2015, The Kerbol System became a ternary starsystem. So I called my mod Kerbol StarSystem. Now Kerbol StarSystem evolved into much more than that and the name became 'confusing'. So changing the name into Kerbal Star Systems sounded logical. Hi, which mod is used in this screenshot?
  2. RELEASE: Kerbal Star Systems 0.7 (PART 1) (yes, we renamed KSS) Sorry you had to wait this long, but we think we really did a good job with this release and it was worth the wait. This is part 1 of the Kerbal Star Systems 0.7 version. Because of the size of this mod and the problems with previous versions we first want to iron out all the bugs and issues before releasing part 2. Part 2 will include the revamped Kerolon System, Kelnis System. Implementation of lore and planetpack compatibility + more... We also worked for months on a secret project. We think it's ready and we want to share it with you guys: Kerbal Star Systems has now it's own official wiki page. Here you can find everything you need to know about KSS. This wiki is still developing and growing so this is not suppose to be the final product. URL: http://kerbal-star-systems.wikia.com/wiki/Kerbal_Star_Systems_Wiki - special thx to all the contributors for helping me with this! Changes: ** Reports of bugs and issues mentioned in the installation-(README)folder will be ignored. Please keep reporting other bugs! DOWNLOAD FROM GITHUB
  3. No worries, i only improved the existing landscapes of stock kerbin.
  4. Some screenshots of the very soon to be released 0.7 version. Duna Lost on Alva Landing at Taythe Sunrise on Ilve
  5. Kerbin will be reverted to stock (but improved) in the upcoming 0.7 version.
  6. I'm sorry but one of the main features of KSS is improving the 'boring' stock system. The whole mod is constructed around all these changes, making it impossible to take out the improved Kerbol system. So No it's not possible.
  7. @Greatness101 No accretion disc around this one. Could change in the future though.
  8. Ship will get an update anyway It needs to get bigger! (and maybe a little safer )
  9. At the moment they're just designed as 'escape pods' in case something goes wrong, meaning 4 of the 75 crewmembers can escape I plan to dock 2 spaceplanes to it and keep 2 escape pods.
  10. *Gravity assist around Irke to slow down the K.S.S Kolony on it's way to Ora.
  11. We're almost there (0.7) Revamped Kerolon System *K.S.S. Kolony on it's way to the planet-sized moon of Mesmo: Ernes.
  12. KSS 0.6 is made for KSP 1.2.2. It doesn't work well with KSP 1.3. Use the right kopernicus and KSP version + follow the instructions.
  13. Well a lot happened while i was asleep . It's very simple, i have a vision for this mod (just as the other codevs) and this vision will be implemented with or without approval of other people, whether you like it or not. The story line won't affect a thing of enjoying space exploration. The only thing it does is explaining and revealing why certain things are 'this way' in KSS. Like why I made this thing 'The All' instead of using a black hole as a galactic centre. It's just 'background' information for those who are interested. I might be one of the slowest developers in KSP mod making history. But at least KSS looks decent. I invest a lot of time in this project. So please talk with respect about KSS. That being said, I understand where all the comments come from and I respect everyone's opinion. So thank you for being honest and now LET ME FINISH 0.7. Thank you.
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