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Everything posted by StarCrusher96

  1. The gravitational pull is too intense at the moment to visit the system. + it’s not completely finished.
  2. @Zero132132 You can mess around with KSS as much as you want. That’s at your own risk. But you need to understand that we’re not going to fix issues caused by an edited version of KSS.
  3. I just did a clean install of KSP + KSS + Kopernicus (+ModularFlightIntegrator) And everything worked fine. So nothing is broken.
  4. This is not a clean install, right? I don't have time to scan through everything. Just start with a clean and install a mod - run game - install mod - run game. You'll quickly find out which mod is causing the issue.
  5. Uhm that’s already the case for 0.7. KSS 0.7 was constructed in 1.3. I’d not say [1.3.1] Kerbal Star Systems if it was not true
  6. @Piratepete5 If the game works with the basic version, it is impossible that the stars don’t show up. Just zoom out and keep going until they show up. The whole basic version is constructed around how the stars work. So if the stars don’t work, you should not be able to play the game.
  7. Did you follow the installation instructions? Are there cachefiles written in KSS/Cache? How much RAM do you got?
  8. I know. It's just how the shaders get translated when using OpenGL. I can't do anything about that.
  9. @AR3S_TGL Some of the shaders look black in Dx11/OpenGl. I can’t fix this and can only advice to use the normal shaders and settings provided by KSS.
  10. Let me know how long it took you to get there once the Kerolon System rolls out.
  11. There is no difference between 1.3 or 1.3.1 when it comes to the planets. So it doesn’t matter if you use KSS on 1.3 or 1.3.1.
  12. Best thing would be removing KSS_Clouds from the KSS folder. But for the time being I can't force everybody to remove it.
  13. Due to unprofessional work of one of the contributors. KSS clouds are taken down and will be reconstructed without violating any licenses. Scatterer-/configs are still available. This happened without me (Starcrusher96) knowing it and I want to apologize to the rightful owners for 'using' your textures. The person who did this doesn't want to understand how licenses work and is apparently known for using licensed textures, he is removed from contributing to KSS.
  14. haha but indeed, a wiki like that should avoid using wrong information.
  15. True but still: "The Sun (also known as Kerbol) is the parent star of the planetary system in KSP, popularly referred to as the Kerbol System."
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