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Everything posted by zKrieg

  1. While I sleep I dream of building rockets in KSP and colonizing other planets.
  2. I thought I would get some serious answers but apparently half this community lacks the ability to respect other members. I would appreciate it that if you are unable to post in a mature manner that you just refrain from posting, period. Thank you
  3. Thanks for your assistance and I really appreciate your snide remark concerning available storage space in this decade. In my third sentence I quite clearly stated that I want to perform a clean install, and was hoping there was an alternative to using Steam. I don't understand why it is so difficult for you to comprehend
  4. I don't think this is going to help me. Creating an .msi won't get rid of the redundant steam files. Nor will it allow for a clean installation from scratch. It is the opposite of what I am requesting.
  5. I'm afraid you didn't get past the first sentence of my op. Re-read the op.
  6. I am well aware of this. Hence the second sentence in the op.
  7. I own the steam copy but prefer not to use it and don't want the extra clutter of the steam files. As we all know KSP works without steam as a standalone so I went through the KSP folder and manually deleted any file with the word "steam" in it. In all there were a half dozen files that were clearly related to steam but I'm concerned that I didn't not get them all and would prefer to install from scratch. Is there an alternative to Steam for installing KSP? As an example does Squad provide a download for verifiable owners? Is there a different way? My reason is that there are instance sof other games providing steam keys and vice-versa. I'm not looking to repurchase the game so sites like gog and gmg aren't a viable alternative. Edit: For clarification. I want to perform a clean installation without the steam files.
  8. Stock Bug Fix Modules increases the spread, allows for some customization, and fixes some stock bugs to boot. I believe Realchutes allows for customizing parachutes but I haven't played with the mod.
  9. The only thing steam is good for where KSP is concerned is if you want to keep track of your hours played. Otherwise I suggest buying direct or using a 3rd party site like G2A.com. It's nearly 75% off.
  10. I can't wait to try this out. I don't use the stock strategies because they feel inhibiting to me.
  11. Windows 8.1 gives me fewer issues and increased performance than 7. I'm still afraid to take the plunge into windows 10. I'd love to get into linux but for years I have been to afraid of the learning curve.
  12. First: Thank you for making KSP a better place. Curse is a nightmare that is best avoided. I wouldn't bother you with this but I see no other alternative for support. I tried registering yesterday and have not yet received an email confirmation. Today I sent an email to support@spacedock.info and received this error. I know you guys are busy and will get this sorted out soon enough. Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently: support@spacedock.infoTechnical details of permanent failure:Google tried to deliver your message, but it was rejected by the server for the recipient domain spacedock.info by s3n1.52k.de. [2a01:4f8:160:9023::2].The error that the other server returned was:530 Relaying not allowed
  13. Nearly every link or video is outdated. There are videos for versions of KSP as far back as 0.19. Some links that do work reference threads that haven't been updated in nearly three years. I'm sorry I just don't have the time to check the hundreds of links in the OP but thus far every link and video I have clicked is invalid or outdated.
  14. Every link in the OP's table of contents is invalid. Most every video tutorial is for an obsolete version of KSP and don't reflect any recent changes to the physics or new parts making it annoying, or in some cases impossible to follow along or replicate.
  15. I apologize if my question was already answered. I took the time and read the first few and last handful of pages of the thread and dind't find anything. Do the texture/RAM management features affect all textures in the game or only the ones in use by this mod?
  16. Good/bad news. I'm unable to replicate it again. My intent was to only test DTL and since I had an issue I thought I would submit it. Unfortunately I have wasted your time since I am unable to produce a log with the issue.
  17. I'm new to posting on the KSP forums and don't see a way to attach the log. Am I missing something or do I need to upload it to a file hosting server?
  18. Not any kind of log file but I wrote the numbers down if that's what you are asking for.
  19. Your system will not run KSP. The cpu and ram are far below the minimum requirements. Even if you could get it to work it won't be an enjoyable experience in any sense. Your best bet would be to try the demo.
  20. In the old days integrated graphics were on the motherboard. Todays integrated graphics are on the CPU. They are unavoidable.
  21. I did some testing for curiosity sake. I don't use opengl because even though the memory reduction is nice it is not needed in my case since i don't seem to hit the memory cap anyhow. Plus I think opengl looks horrible. So I include testing done only under dx9 and dx11. I logged the usage under different scenarios including the main menu upon entering and exiting the game, the Space Center, VAB and SPH, and doing a quick fly-by the Mun. Aside from MJ, KER,and a few other mods that add quality of life I don't use part heavy mods, period. So I wasn't sure how well DTL would affect my system, but here it goes. Specs: Windows 8.1 64bit, 6meg ram, i7-920 oc'd, gtx 760 2gig In DX11 there was a marginal difference in all scenario's of only 20-30 meg. No big deal because DX11 stutters for me anyhow so I don't use it. Under DX9 though I saw a 100-200 meg increase in all scenario's while using DTL except in the main menu. Maybe I have misunderstood the function of DTL but I found it odd as I was sure I would see at least some improvement with DX9. It's not a loss for me though because I don't seem to ever reach the memory cap anyways. After reading this thread it's apparent some people may require DTL in order to play KSP which just shows that KSP still needs some love in the stability department. Thank you for all of your contributions to KSP.
  22. That's all I expressed a desire for was performance improvements and people act as if someone had spit in their mother's face.. I find it hypocritical that so many are willing to praise the game and then in the next paragraph they give us multiple excuses for the discrepancies. They need to reflect upon why they need to make those excuses because you can't have it both ways. From my experience all Unity 4 games have had issues. It's almost a shame it is so widely used because it has caused many frustrations for everyone. Both coders and gamers. I've got a couple games that switched over to Unity 5 and the improvements came mostly in stability. I think 1.1 is going to be great so not having a new communications system with 1.1 isn't going to make or break the game for me. It lends more hype to 1.2.
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