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Everything posted by genericeventhandler

  1. My 12 Kerbal SSTO ferry was bringing the crew back from the station, when a wing dropped off in the high atmosphere, I waited until we were under 240ms then ejected the kerbals and started deploying eva parachutes. All twelve chuts opened only 9 kerbals survived, three lost their lives to the physics range. :'(
  2. I've tried it, and no it's not worth doing. In 1.0.5 it was because of the number of crashes you used to get, helps with re-startup times, Now I get very few crashes so not worth it at all.
  3. I use stage recovery all the time, I've never trusted it enough to recover kerbals though. Science experiments like atmosphere sensor on the boosters when I unlock them. works just fine. Currently my designs are lots of boosters to get above 70km, then fire the main stack. Separate the payload in a stable orbit and carry on the mission. I then rdv with an orbital tug called Vampir, drain the booster of fuel for the refuelling station and nudge the spent stack back into the atmosphere, Following the stack back down after I've re-circularized Vampir.
  4. I tried it tonight on my 1.1.2 install and it caused the KSP screen to stop working.. I'll retry tomorrow on 1.1.3. to see if it works.
  5. Store the original ship name and the ship number seperate from the current ship name build it with string.format, eg. currentShipName = string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "{0} {1}", originalShipName, ToRoman(ship.Number));
  6. No problems on 1.1.2 for me, it was rock solid for 4 hours of play. One little thing though, I was launching an Asteroid catch mission on a passing asteroid I needed lots of dV to catch up with it. I failed the launch ( minor collision with a major planet ) 3 times, reverting back to launch each time. The fourth time I got Mission Astrid into a 500x500 polar orbit, however the name of the craft was Astrid 4, the three crashes and reverts were also in the history as Astrid 1 - 3 ( you could possibly read the last launch game time and anything launched 5 minutes after that is still the same craft ) And can you implement Roman Numerals please? (CODE BELOW) public static string ConvertToRoman(int value) { if (value <= 0) { return string.Empty; } if (value > 3999) { throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("Can only convert numbers up to 3999"); } var sb = new StringBuilder(); var working = value; while (working > 0) { if (working >= 1000) { sb.Append("M"); working = working - 1000; continue; } if (working >= 900) { sb.Append("CM"); working = working - 900; continue; } if (working >= 500) { sb.Append("D"); working = working - 500; continue; } if (working >= 400) { sb.Append("CD"); working = working - 400; continue; } if (working >= 100) { sb.Append("C"); working = working - 100; continue; } if (working >= 90) { sb.Append("XC"); working = working - 90; continue; } if (working >= 50) { sb.Append("L"); working = working - 50; continue; } if (working >= 40) { sb.Append("XL"); working = working - 40; continue; } if (working >= 10) { sb.Append("X"); working = working - 10; continue; } if (working >= 9) { sb.Append("IX"); working = working - 9; continue; } if (working >= 5) { sb.Append("V"); working = working - 5; continue; } if (working >= 4) { sb.Append("IV"); working = working - 4; continue; } if (working >= 1) { sb.Append("I"); working = working - 1; continue; } } return sb.ToString(); }
  7. I think it's my 1.1.3 install, lots of broken things on that, I've installed it on 1.1.2 and will give that a go tonight, and I'll make a youtube video.
  8. You need the long passive antenna on the upper boosters section, don't forget to activate passive antennas when above 55 km so you can complete your climb. If it's your first launch and your communication network is not up yet, you need to create the manoeuvre node quickly and engage the autopilot to circularize because you are going to go out of sight of KSC before you hit apop.
  9. I have one in a highly elliptic orbit, due to returning from minmus and getting a gravity assist from the mun. The periapse is 30km, the apoapsis is outside of minmus, If I fly the craft through the atmosphere it blows up, I'm slowly bringing the apop down by flying from 55km -> 70km every time it comes around.
  10. MechJeb 2 - Even though I only use Smart A.S.S and Ascent Guidence most of the time. Docking Port Alignment (navy fish) SafeChute - Slows down timewarp when it's needed.
  11. I gave this a try, and I must have done something wrong, because the "Magnetism" was pushing the other vehicle away! I tried docking two together, Clamp-o-Tron + flexidock, etc same effect. If I engaged the breaks it started searching then gave up and docked as any normal port (this was on 1.1.3 x64 windows) I uninstalled kerbal and started from a fresh install, same problem, it was down to having multiple docking ports in close proximity. GE
  12. I'll give it a go tonight, I was busy over the weekend,
  13. Ooh that looks cool, I'll give this a play with over the weekend, is it 1.1.2 or 1.1.3 friendly?
  14. One that I regularly see and just read it out loud in my head is RPM - Raster Prop Monitor
  15. Throttle Controlled Avionics might be what you are looking for, it reduces the thrust to balance out thrust through the middle of the COM
  16. You mean the link on the first page that I clicked and took me to sourceforge which failed to download like I mentioned. Is there nowhere else I can get this?
  17. Hi, I can't download the files from sourceforge, is there another location I can grab this from? Thanks GE
  18. Thanks I tried to recompile the entire project, but gave up trying to figure out what references I needed, and what the missing dlls were.
  19. LfOx - Liquid Fuel and Oxidiser kOS - Kerbal operating system KRPC - Kerbal remote procedure (al?) calls the real fuels and karbonite fuels. chemicals H2, He, Ar etc.
  20. @PART[roverBody]:FINAL{ %MODULE[ModuleScienceContainer] { name = ModuleScienceContainer reviewActionName = Review Stored Data storeActionName = Store Experiments evaOnlyStorage = False storageRange = 1.3 } } Just insert the code above in a cfg file anywhere in the gamedata folder,
  21. Thanks, I was playing with TCA again last night after watching your videos, flew great, landed great, everytime I turned off the vertical thrust, crash and burn. When i activate it in orbit with just one engine and perform a manouver the thrust is limited to just 1% or 2% is this normal?
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