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Everything posted by genericeventhandler

  1. Very cool, I'm trying to back port it to 1.2.2 but there are loads of changes to figure out.
  2. @PART[*]:HAS[@MODULE[ModuleResourceIntake]]:HAS[!MODULE[ModuleResourceConverter]]:FINAL { MODULE { name = ModuleResourceConverter ConverterName = OxidizerCompressor StartActionName = Start Compressor StopActionName = Stop Compressor AutoShutdown = true GeneratesHeat = false UseSpecializationBonus = false INPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = IntakeAtm Ratio = 0.01 } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = Oxidizer Ratio = 11 DumpExcess = false } OUTPUT_RESOURCE { ResourceName = ElectricCharge Ratio = 1 DumpExcess = true } } } HI, Here is a config that adds a compressor onto all the intakes to turn IntakeAtm into Oxidiser. GEH
  3. I use DeepFreeze with USI Life Make sure that you send supplies ahead of time, my current Duna mission is following the film The Martian, I have the Mav's in place for 4 landings, the Rover is currently on it's way.
  4. An inflatable heat shield, that extends out of the edges of the normal heat shield, instead of the horrible 2.5 squad inflatable that we have now, it's way to big. Or an Air brake system that could get a pod to the ground without engines or parachutes.
  5. Ok, cool, every day should be a learning experience, Sunday I learnt how to do internal KIS access!
  6. Module { name = KASModuleContainer } Check the syntax on this, I have never seen KASModuleContainer as a module
  7. Maybe, more cycles more chance for it to fail? maybe instead of checking on each update you add a real time elapse into the code before checking again. And that also means that I need to check the specs of my daughters machine and see what I can upgrade ;-) ---- Added: as I've just seen this in KLF utils, private static System.Random rng = new System.Random(); this will always give the same random number sequence on any machine. you need to seed it to the current clock ticks of the processor. Here is a stackoverflow article on how to make random random. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/10903613/using-clock-ticks-as-random-number-seed Hth GEH
  8. So I've been playing around with this for the last 6 hours, I have 3 machines at home, I've copied the game and saves to all three machines. Same ship, same launch parameters via gravity turn. Revert to launch on failure or successful obit. Machine 1 - Gaming machine and principal - high end gaming machine Machine 2 - Secondary machine for my Daughter - high end gaming machine Machine 3 - Work machine - over spec laptop Results. Machine 1 - Every launch results in a failure, no exceptions and it's always the same, thrust loss to mammoth engine Machine 2 - 4 / 10 launches fail with winglet failure. Machine 3 - no detected failures. From what I can gather, the unity random generator is not very random. - I've disactivated the mod in my career game, it's obviously linked to my machine and not reproducable by anyone else. GEH
  9. Here is a crash course. @PART - Edit a part @PART[*] - Edit all parts :HAS Edit parts that have. :HAS[#CrewCapacity>0] - edit parts that have a variable(#) CrewCapacity greater than 0 :HAS[!RESOURCE[Supplies]] - but I don't want (!) parts that have resources called supplies. :NEEDS[UsiLifeSupport] - Only do this if you have UsiLifeSupport installed. :Final - Do this after every other patch has been applied, because I am special and I do special things. RESOURCE -- Lets add a resource name = Supplies - we want to add the resource Supplies. amount = 50 * $../CrewCapacity$ - I want the amount of supplies to equal 50 * the amount of the variable found one step back from here ( .. ) called CrewCapacity maxAmount = 200 * $../CrewCapacity$ - make the max amount equal to 200 supplies per crew member, just incase I am doing a long endurance mission. hth GEH
  10. Np, if it happens again I will, but I run a LOT of mods on my current game, I don't know how useful it would be. I reduced the altitude to 20% and the chance to 1% if that helps. As I said I'm not looking for support, but If it helps I will send you a save and my mod list. GEH
  11. Last night I launched three consecutive flights, with three consecutive failures. At 1% failure rate. Something is not working as intended or I need to buy a lottery ticket! <not looking for support>
  12. The part module you need is Stager, I can't test this because as usual I am at work I would try copying a decoupler and see if it works. @PART[somepartnameHere]:NEEDS[SmartParts]:FINAL { MODULE { name = Stager activationPercentage = 0.01 // not sure if this is 1 or 0.01 as a percentage monitoredResource = LiquidFuel group = 0 } } GEH.
  13. I just returned a pod from Minmus orbit, at the SOI it flipped to kerbin and then straight back to Minmus. Orbital velocity was 11816981 m/s Is this a known bug?
  14. I've got a simlar question, Putting Ray or Una on ship that's not inside a fairing, causes the rocket to flip out at fairly high altitude. I've tried reducing the drag in the cfg file and I've looked over the code but can't find an answer. Any Ideas? Thanks GEH
  15. Test your objects before you use them, check that Vessel is not null before you try to call something on it. exceptions in C# are hugely memory intensive a simple check for null is a small price to pay for avoiding hundreds of Exceptions that slow the game down.
  16. I've launched many many missions over the past few years, docking to rotating objects, landing a space plane that broke up in re-entry and no kerbal died, Yesterday I launched a space station that didn't have the required RTG on board. You are not alone, accept that missions go wrong and fix them later. Welcome aboard!
  17. I have yet to use it in a career save, but I have a duna window open in 129 days. I'm excited
  18. I fixed it, there was another cfg that was interfering with this one, removing the Food resource. So all good now, thanks.
  19. Hi, One of my configs is not working, the part selector for the resources doesn't seem to work. @PART[*]:HAS[@RESOURCE[Food]]:FINAL { .... Do Stuff } if I select a part with a module it works but not RESOURCE? Geh
  20. Hi, 

    I think there is something wrong with the ScienceDefs.cfg  

    If this file is active, all other science stops working,  mystery goo  etc.  

    Renaming the ScienceDefs.Cfg to ScienceDefs.cfgx  and the science works again. 

    I have DM Orbital Science installed. 

    I don't need a fix, I don't use the camera.  But I thought you should know. 



    Und Google übersetzte ..


    Ich denke, da ist etwas falsch mit dem ScienceDefs.cfg

    Wenn diese Datei aktiv ist, hört alle anderen Wissenschaft auf zu arbeiten, Geheimnis goo etc.

    Umbenennen der ScienceDefs.Cfg zu ScienceDefs.cfgx und die Wissenschaft funktioniert wieder.

    Ich habe DM Orbital Science installiert.

    Ich brauche keine Fixierung, ich benutze die Kamera nicht. Aber ich dachte, du solltest wissen.


    1. hraban


      Thank you,

      i will take a close look at this problem.

  21. https://1drv.ms/u/s!Au_FusKqvwUWguRcaLxW9iAFa5veaA Here you go. If the share link goes down again, copy this into notepad and save as Xml. Geh
  22. Low periapse, very high appo, reverse at Ap How much DV would the reversal at AP be and how much do you have left?
  23. You could add a resource converter to the engine, to convert IntakeAir to Oxidizer and then run a standard engine, the code below is off the top of my head, I've not tested it because I am at work at the moment. GEH
  24. First you need TCA (Throttle Controlled Avionics ) or you need to have a surname like Manley. Control from the top girder, then use the hover control to put you sort of over the package. Then manually ease yourself down until you are right above it. Use RCS to move over the pod. And once it's fits inside the gap. raise the landing gear, and if you are lucky it will suck into position.
  25. Tip: To avoid steam auto updating to the next version, and breaking your game. Copy the folder out of the stream directory and use that instead of through steam. I wish I could do this with many other games too.
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