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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. @Inter - Scenario downloads? I'd love to take BDAc through some of your setups
  2. Sure ... that is if you want to spend many hours creating custom textures for each part in KSP Took me a few weeks of constant work to get the textures done, take a look in the camo directory in DCK ... have at it
  3. Welcome to the BDArmory WikiEdit This wiki is incomplete. Please see the in-game KSPedia for issues with BD Armory instead. BDArmory is a mod for Kerbal Space Program that adds weapons, AI, detection/tracking systems, countermeasures, etc. With the mod, you can create war machines and pit them against each other, set up bases and attack/defend, or just blow things up. You can discuss BDArmory and find download information on the KSP Forums. BEFORE ASKING ANY QUESTION ON THE WIKI Edit Remember that the wiki is officially considered, for all essential purposes, defunct - all relevant information about the mod is already ingame in the form of KSPedia (KSPedia can be opened by clicking the book icon in game). If you have any questions related to the mod, you cannot rely on the Wiki (there are no active users here since all important information was placed in the game). Instead, ask in the KSP Forum thread or, in the case of more complex technical problems, report your issues on BDArmory's Github repository --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Red highlight/underline my emphasis ... Although the capability is there, as my friend mentioned above, in theory yes it is possible but in practice not so much
  4. Hi all Minor update to DCK ... Changed DCK Armor Paintshop icon Added 2 lengthened Mk0 Fuselage's (100 LF and 150 LF) Added Mk0 drop tank with 175 LF https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/DCK/releases/tag/v0.2.2 Enjoy
  5. From what I understand you will need to upgrade your license to GPLv3 for that portion of the code Take a look at the spoilers at the the bottom of the OP in DCK's thread for an example ... feel free to copy the applicable parts There are others who know better than I and they may know more about the ins and outs
  6. Not a problem ... Lets hope they set you loose without taking a kidney On another note, I should have mentioned the license obligations you will have if you use that code You are required to mention in the OP of your thread and the download location that your mod contains code from USITools ... put it in a spoiler at the end of your thread op (use DCK's OP as an example if you want) and put it into your README.md on Github
  7. @Next_Star_Industries - Here you go, in the spoiler ... This code comes out of USITools and is Licensed under GPLv3 (edited to work for your mod) You will need to create icons that are 32x32 and save them in the same directory as the plugin ... One called NextStarIndustries_normal.png and the other NextStarIndustries_selected.png As long as the part config has 'manufacturer = Next Star Industries' this code will work ... or you can change it, pretty straight forward how the code works Anyways, enjoy
  8. My question is what else are you running while playing KSP You have 16 gigs of ram with 9 gigs free yet you have a 20 gig pagefile with 10 gigs free?
  9. When CKAN works it works great, however getting it to work is a game in itself ... if KSP doesn't crash you win (until you find out part way through a mission that CKAN pooched the install of one of your mods)
  10. By using Wing Commander (a module in BDAc) My suggestion for you is to start up the game, load a save or start a new game and then open the KSPedia where you will find our BDPedia ... read, learn and rejoice in the knowledge that reading the instruction manual will bring you And if you are unable to read then you can watch this video in which Wing Commander is used:
  11. In the OP of this thread there is a link to Camera Tools located in the BDAc Family Mod links spoiler
  12. Hi all Just released another update for DCK ....... - Integrated texture switching into DCK ... no more Firespitter required - #6 - Fixed textures being out of order on symmetrically placed parts when using DCK Paintshop to switch the textures of all the parts at once (courtesy of @TheDog) - #9 - Added DCK Armor - An armor version of DCK Paintshop to switch the texture between transparent and invisible on all armor panels at once (Button is beside DCK Paintshop) - Fixed J-101 Kitty (still needs balancing?) - Added switchable textures on YCSM Stealth Coating parts Enjoy https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/DCK/releases/tag/v0.2.1
  13. Hi all I pre released DCK v0.2.0 ... It includes DCK Paintshop and some other fixes DCK Paintshop is still new but works tremendously ... Please note that any parts placed on your craft using symmetry will need to have one of the symmetrical parts made the root of the craft and then reroot back to your original root part in order for the textures to appear in order on all parts (see video in the above post) In the case of parts that can't be rooted all you have to do is attach a part that can be rooted in symmetry to that part, make the new part the root, reroot back to the original root then remove the part you just added (each of them will need to be removed individually as they will no longer symmetrical and treated as individually placed parts) https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/DCK/releases/tag/v0.2.0-PRE Enjoy
  14. If I didn't have the KSP.log to look at it would have taken a bit longer to narrow down what was causing your issue Perfect example of why we ask for this log
  15. Hi Using BDAc while forcing opengl will result in this behaviour ... I recommend not forcing opengl to fix your issue Thanx for bringing this up ... I'll add this info to the OP
  16. Hi all, DCK v0.1.1 has been released The YCSM Stealth Coating modules are working now and I fixed some spelling mistakes https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/DCK/releases/tag/v0.1.1 Enjoy
  17. Hi all Just a heads up that the YCSM Stealth Coating modules are not working at the moment ... seems that I forgot a closing bracket in the part configs, my bad Will be fixed shortly
  18. @CarnageINC - DCK has been moved from add-on development to add-on releases Could you update your lists to reflect this change? Thanx
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