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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. Download the latest version of DCK here Open DCK Paintshop and you will see 4 buttons - DCK Next, DCK Previous, Next Tire and Armor
  2. Brilliant solution ... I will create a custom category in the VAB for BADT3 and put all the BADT3 camo B9proc wings in it I just finished setting up the BADT3 Paintshop and can easily include the modified B9 proc wing part configs with the BADT3 texture pack
  3. @dundun93 - I figured we should take this conversation away from the BAD T3 thread so as to not clutter it up with discussions about DCK To answer your question ..... You don't have to download any updates as DCK is not required for the BAD T3, it is optional As for not liking to 'constantly' update and why I release updates so quickly ... then don't download or use DCK as it is my perogative for when I will release new stuff ... you don't like that I do this but nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to use it I'm sorry if this doesn't work for you ... perhaps if you give me your schedule I can work everything I am doing around it so as to better suit you and your agenda
  4. Be sure to take a look at the add-on posting rules for the forum ... it's fairly straight forward
  5. Hi all I did a major refactor of DCK in preparation for the BAD T3 texture pack as well as writing configs and editing textures for all the mods allowed in the BAD T3 competition, save one .... B9 Procedural Wings unfortunately isn't working with DCK's texture switching which could mean you will be stuck with the stock B9 textures if you use them although I am hoping to have a solution before the start of the BAD T3 The next release of DCK will add Aviator Arsenal and Procedural Parts (BAD T props is already in DCK) as well as some minor tweaks to DCK Wheels On another note, now that the configs and the texture templates are set up, I am diving into WW2 camo textures for the BAD T3 texture pack and I am taking requests (especially from those taking part in the challenge) ... if you see a WW2 camo design you like then post a link to it in this thread so I can take a look (and not clutter up the BAD T3 thread with texture discussions )
  6. Take a look at my F1 .... check how I put the flaps on, may help give you some ideas on how to set your flaps up https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/CANUKWurks-F-1
  7. Thing is the Juno's have a spool up/down time which will affect the thrust if you shut the engines off I recommend you use @Azimech's boost flap kraken tech to block the thrust from the juno's when you don't want thrust from them .... basically put 2 elevons on opposite sides of the junos and turn off the control inputs in the right click menu (yaw, pitch and roll) then set the 'deploy' to an action group (set the deploy directions up so that both elevons deploy towards each other so as to block the thrust) You will still see the smoke trail but you car won't get any thrust if the elevons are deployed
  8. Installing mods through CKAN is a game in itself ... if you get KSP working after using CKAN to install mods you win
  9. I am unsure as to how you got vessel mover from Kerbalx as it is not a mod hosting site I recommend that you refer to the OP of the BDAc thread where you will find installation instructions and download links for Vessel Mover and the other mods that the BDAc team maintain Click on the VM releases link and scroll down until you see a VM version for your KSP version (I believe it's the 3rd release in the list) and as always, keep your stick on the ice
  10. I was disqualified for entering an F1 car so no, F1 is not allowed
  11. Everything you need is in DCK ... Look at any of the part configs and use it as your template On another note, with the refactoring of DCK that I have done you could just creat a njmksr texture pack for DCK that has your own paintshop ... I'll provide the plugin for you that interfaces with DCK and you can create as many textures as you want for it If you're interested then pm me and we can chat
  12. Please refer to the OP of the BDAc thread as it is clearly posted (in multiple places) that Physics Range Extender is a required mod for BDAc Download can be found in the forum link below: EDIT: Ninja'd by Spanner
  13. Hi all Another DCK update incoming ... Combined all mm configs for each respective mod into one mm config file Refactored mm configs and texture names to facilitate texture packs FAR Compatibility tested and passed Added DCK Wheel - if you have ever wanted to change the tires and rims on your stock wheels, then DCK has you covered Other minor improvements I have also added Module Manager in the download for everyone's convenience https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/DCK/releases/tag/v0.2.6 Enjoy
  14. DCK does texture switching for stock and a bunch of mods (changes all parts in one click) as well as having transparent-invisible aircraft armor that is not seen by both stock and FAR aero calculations (does not affect flight characteristics ... just adds weight and armor) all contained within a stand alone package ... only module manager required
  15. @He_162 - Not trying to derail your thread nor complain, nor accuse, nor troll, nor derail with this post .... I just thought the racers in here would like this Ever want to change those crappy looking stock wheels to something with a little more pizzaz
  16. DCK was just revamped to allow for easy addition of texture packs and I plan on having a WW2 themed camo pack ready before the start of competition ... I am currently looking for camo patterns for the BADT3 camo pack so if you see a pattern you like then let me know and perhaps I will include it Also, the armor has been balanced against itself so that an armor plate half the size of another armor plate is half the mass ... If you do use the armor, be sure to not block your weapons
  17. I'm not sure if it did either as the only props that I have used with the AI Pilot is the BADTprops mod which was made specifically for the BADT tournament
  18. Let me know if there are any issues as I haven't done a complete test although everything appears to work as intended The Aircraft Armor may not work though as it was created with BDAc v0.3.0.0 in mind
  19. Nah, my electric wheelchair is faster than any electric powered KSP vehicles The disqualification process basically consists of if the OP likes you or your car ... nothing more, nothing less
  20. Looks fantastic ... As for the wheels, I think I can do something about that for you Please stand by
  21. Hope you haven't spent much time on it as I compiled a version of DCK v0.2.5 for KSP v1.2.2 Here's the direct download link: https://github.com/DoctorDavinci/DCK/releases/download/v0.2.5/KSP.v1.2.2.-.DCK.v0.2.5.zip
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