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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. I'm in .... Gonna run my latest rover design and see if she can make it I now present for your approval, the Dukes Jalopnik DCK was used to paint her ... no other mods used (although I might use the MechJeb Rover Autopilot to drive it for me)
  2. Don't use Paint.Net to create them, only to convert them Paint.Net is garbage for 'creating' the textures as whenever there are two connecting colors it wants to blend them together (causing artifacts) ... if you only use it to convert then you shouldnt experience this issue Then use DXT1 ... point I was making is to only use paint.net to convert
  3. Get yourself a copy of Fireworks or use photoshop and create all your textures then open them in paint.net, flip them vertically and save as dxt5 I did the Airplane Plus textures for DCK in this manner ... took 10 minutes to do a batch of 42 (number of textures available per part) and there were 11 batches - So a little under 2 hours for 554 textures converted to .dds from .png
  4. That was fun Craft File: https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/MINI
  5. Looked at your output and it tells me that the lock up is happening while USI is loading custom configs Try removing that and if doesn't fix your problem then O will need to see your KSP.log (found in the main KSP directory above KSP_x64.exe)
  6. @dundun92 - take a look at the following link It's the wiki that was made specifically for developers and contributors ... will help with setting up the project https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/wiki
  7. It should work fine in KSP v1.3.1 If you experience difficulty then please consult the BDAc help desk located at the forum thread below (this thread should have been closed a long time ago)
  8. It's not bad that you killed Jeb .... what is concerning is that you've been counting how many time you've killed him
  9. Because you asked it will be delayed a week ...... All joking aside, there is already a BDAc release compatible with KSP v1.3.1 Might I suggest you read the following post concerning etiquette in regards to asking about updates on this forum as us modders do this in our free time without being compensated ... don't 'expect' any update until we're ready to release it (and we will release when we're ready to release ... when is that you ask, well when we're ready to is when)
  10. @Next_Star_Industries - I think there may be some confusion amongst the users of your mod as everything you put into your download is being dropped into their gamedata folder which is causing major conflicts as the source folder includes a bunch of plugins from other mods that are dependencies which is causing things not to work properly (two BDArmory.dll's will conflict with each other etc....) Perhaps a better explanation of what to put where and what to ignore
  11. KSP.log please .... output log isn't needed at this point You can find the KSP.log in the main KSP directory ... it is overwritten each time you start KSP so be sure the log you provide is from a game that your issue occurs in Also, DO NOT copy/paste your log into the forum, use Dropbox or somew other similar file sharing service as it is difficult to have to sift through a forum post to find the culprit let alone the length of the log may very well prevent you from posting it in full as the forum software will not let you post more than a certain amount of characters Anyways, provide me with your log and I will tell you how to fix your problem EDIT: I just looked at your log ... Remove NextStarIndustries and you should be fine
  12. If you already know how to integrate into the PAI then the answer is right in front of you when you open up the PAI code ... Your answer is literally right in front of you If you are having problems understanding what is before you when looking at the PAI code might I suggest going to the following thread where many of the KSP community's plugin guys/gals will be able to assist you further https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/forum/29-plugin-development-help-and-support/
  13. The PAI is highly integrated and there is a spiderweb of connections between all the parts of BDAc which means it's not as simple as just adding a new parameter My recommendations are the following ............. The first thing is to do some research into how C++ is not the programming language used for writing mods in ksp Second step would be to learn about C# programming (the programming language ksp mods are written in) Third step would be to start simple and perhaps do some of the many tutorials in C# programming that are out there 4th step would to start dissecting BDAc and add your modifications after you start to grasp how to program in C# and you have poked around in BDAc to see how it works
  14. So, without further ado, I now present @Van Disaster's D.A.C Deimos Mk X vs @MightyDarkStar's Kestrel F. 1 This was a fun match to watch
  15. So the reason I created the transparent/Invisible armor was to simulate having armor built into your parts as stock parts tend to be like wet paper I'm about to start recording the semi finals so expect the next tier 2 round in the near future ....
  16. You could always use a Module Manager patch to add the radar module to the avionics nose cone If you aren't familiar with MM, might I suggest taking a gander at the following thread ... If you have any questions on how to do what I suggested above ask in there and they will be able to help you start making MM patches
  17. Not exactly ... There are language laws in China that make it illegal (in the sense of against the law) to have certain combination of Chinese characters in advertisements, news papers, restaurant signs and yes, even video games There was a backlash on reddit and other sites concerning this where most people from western society have sluffed it off as "oh, they're just angry that Squad has capitulated to 'politically correct' crowd" which is not the case ... some of the translations in KSP are straight out illegal in China (not criminally as I understand it) It was explained to me by a good friend of mine who grew up in Sichuan Province (China) that it's akin to advertising standards in the US or Canada but not quite and also much more ... I'm still unclear as to what the issue is but it is much more than just a cultural thing as many have alluded to Hope this brings some clarity to the issue
  18. @Joseph Kerman - Panthers should work perfectly fine unless you have changed your language in KSP .... English KSP is what BDAc was coded for and I belive Spanish localization works now as well (although unsure about this) As for Rapiers, there was a fix done in v0.3.0.0 that I specifically brought up so there should be no problem .... that is unless you changed your localization to other than english Please raise an issue on our github (https://github.com/PapaJoesSoup/BDArmory/issues) and drop a post-it note at our help desk
  19. it's not for spaning crafts per se .... more for being able to have an asteroid or small moon with caverns and tunnels through it ... even full blown space stations with hangar bays and all I replaced the potatoroid model with the borg cube and had all the functionality that was there when launching it from the vab and cheating it to orbit Imagine putting a large animated model of babylon 5 equipped with hanger bays and other goodies to be spawned in orbit so as to make exploring asteroids more interesting
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