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Everything posted by DoctorDavinci

  1. What does myself explaining the Jool 5 challenge have to do with this challenge? ... If you want an explanation of what the Jool 5 challenge is then go read the thread ... Oh, TL;DR? Why would I want to bother explaining the Jool 5 challenge? ... it's not my challenge nor does it interest me The reason I commented in this thread is because this is the second time you have issued this challenge and it appears you are having as much luck with contestants as you did the first time ... I thought that I'd let you know why it appears this way from my perspective If you're not up for constructive criticism then so be it, just trying to help Good luck
  2. TL;DR There's just too much to read ... I believe this is why you haven't had any takers for this challenge
  3. Is there a way to have more than 6 members in a private conversation on the forums?
  4. 2 Juno's, 8 x .50 cal ... 2.480t Craft has been updated ... https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/DF-47-Stinging-Nettle
  5. 252.1m/s in level flight and just under 230m/s in battle ... I will be updating her before she fights so be sure to download the latest version before you send her into battle Here's a teaser .....
  6. I now present for your approval the CANUKWorks DF-47 Stinging Nettle .... https://kerbalx.com/DoctorDavinci/DF-47-Stinging-Nettle
  7. @Alphasus - What about the Browning .50 cal?
  8. So while I was working on my latest creation for the Stress out the Devs Challenge, I was perusing the forums and came across The Domino's Challenge. With my mind set on stressing out the devs as requested, the name made me think of the 'domino effect' and how I used to set up domino's just to knock 'em down when I was a kid ... How Kerbal of me So the challenge is this - Around the KSC, set up a line or two (or ten) of domino's that would make a Kerbal proud (or fling one up into the air just for kicks) ... Mods are ok ... explosions even better Just list the mods you're using and incorporate the KSC into your creation somehow Video's are preferred but at the very least we all want to see it all come crashing down in a glorious way with many photo's (and explosions) As for scoring, well I am open to suggestions as I'm not sure how to go about scoring this as it's all about creativity in your design I recommend using Vessel Mover to set up your run due to it's ease of use and the spawn vessel function ... Below is a link to BDA (Continued) where in the OP you will find a list of the mods supported by the BDAc development team, Vessel Mover is in that list and is updated for 1.1.3 Good luck to all Here's just a basic idea ... I plan to make something with much more complexity in the near future
  9. @Cunjo Carl - So when I first saw the challenge title this is what I thought of .... Thoughts? ... lol
  10. My design has some flaws as KSP doesn't like it when I use multiple claws spread apart from each other on Kraken Tech swing arms ... still working out the gremlins, but until then I decided to design something from the ground up that met the new requirements .... I call it the CANUKWorks Tendril Consisting of 110 parts, you are able to connect multiple Tendril's together to create a larger drilling beast ... The Tendrils of the Kraken 10 drills, 8 Fuel Cells, 8 Small Thermal Control Systems, 2 Medium Thermal Control Systems and 1 Converto-Tron 250 ... It also has 4 LV-909 Terriers on it that enable it to fly around in low gravity HOTKEYS: 1- Toggle Drill 2- Toggle Surface Harvester 4- Toggle Radiators 6- Toggle Fuel Cells 8- Toggle Converter (Lf+Ox) 0- Toggle Antenna @NathanKell - Hope this helps: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wkpu1p4cxitnozu/Stress Out The Devs.sfs?dl=0 In the save file there are 3 locations where I have placed Tendrils Location 1 surface Ore Concentration - 6.7% approx ... 3 Tendrils joined together Location 2 surface Ore Concentration - 9.4% approx ... 3 Tendrils joined together Location 3 surface Ore Concentration - 9.4% approx ... 3 Tendrils side by side on a slope
  11. Interesting .. What is more interesting is that it was asked that unmodded installs be used for this challenge but there are people who think that posting a modded install situation is acceptable Good job EDIT: In case you missed it, my comment above is seething with sarcasm
  12. What a brilliant idea ... throw some Kraken Tech into the equation and me thinks it'll stress the devs pretty good I'm on it like a fat kid on a smartie (no offence to all the fat kids out there as I love smarties too) I have my project for the evening ... great idea Cunjo Carl, I'll post my results later in a few hours
  13. @W. Kerman - You are referring to the island airfield, yes?
  14. Made from 1130 of the finest parts in the Kerbal universe, I now present for your approval the CANUKWorks Modular Mining Rig Mk2 ... There are 3 placed in close proximity to each other (within 200m) at the island airport each with 38 Kerbals onboard (114 in total) and 36 drills IIRC (108 in total) Each mining rig splits into 15 separate crafts (45 in total) that can be reassembled back together in differing configurations as well as combining them together to make an even more monstrous drilling beast Save file can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/osmwydcjtgcqdtp/MINING RIG Mk2 x3 on island.sfs?dl=0 Craft file can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qf0br96yv1cu690/Mining Rig Mk2.craft?dl=0 Hotkeys are as follows: 1- Toggle Deploy Drills 2- Toggle Surface Harvesting 4- Toggle Radiators 6- Toggle Fuel Cells 8- Toggle Ladders 0- Toggle Fuel Converters (Lf+Ox)
  15. That one is incomplete ... I'll be uploading the finished monster later this evening It sits somewhere around 1130 parts fully assembled and has 15 modules ... All of which are mobile
  16. @Alphasus - How much fuel per engine is required?
  17. Looks alright to me ... What about allowing us to edit our AI and WM settings?
  18. The issuer of the challenge (meaning yourself) keeps record of the leaderboard in the OP if you choose to have a leaderboard Remember, the 'how to make a good challenge' thread is there to help you form your challenge and is not the definitive be all and end all of rules but more a guide to help forum users to conceive of a good challenge that the forum community would like to take part in
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