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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural...
  2. Aaaand I'm over 6k now. Good to see I'm well appreciated.
  3. Saltwater. It's easier to keep things from turning to complete mush that way.
  4. *She. And she will soon return to the dust from whence she came, the cycle of matter continuing as usual.
  5. Accurate I could almost have skated to my morning lecture yesterday...We had a warm day and all the ice started to melt, then it got cold again and any water in the area immediately attached itself neatly to every surface. Good thing I know how to slide effectively, it was my main form of locomotion that morning.
  6. I got 46 m/s. F=ma 116000 kg = 5000 kg * a 116000/5000 = 23.2 m/s^2 = a 46.4 m/s after two seconds.
  7. If it was spinning fast enough, you might get an oblate spheroid, but not two distinct spheres. That's just how gravity naturally settles things.
  8. Trying vainly to picture that...
  9. You know what this means? Hollywood movie people think the Space Race is cool enough to make a bunch of movies out of. Normal laypeople who go to watch movies are going to see movies about pioneers of space and think "That is cool!" Renewed interest in real space exploration from those people, they start to find out that there is a lot of new, current innovation in spaceflight and a sort of modern space race as SpaceX, BO, NASA, etc. race to reach the Moon and Mars. They become more and more supportive of these ventures with the movies showing them a part of why space travel is important. The modern space industry thrives as we get almost a whole society hooked on the idea of people going to space, and we soon become able to return to the Moon, develop the technologies needed for Mars, and go there too.
  10. Kouskous is the perfect name for a KSP part mod, maybe a station or something which is humorously named after the food.
  11. Better than New Shepard, that's for sure!
  12. I dreamt I was in a cave with a polar bear in Antarctica a couple nights ago. I was invited by some other people to see a mother's den. No, I am not going in there with the one animal species known to actively hunt and eat humans. I don't care how cute the babies are.
  13. itshappening.gif intensifies I'd imagine it'd be designed to be dusty and close to the ground for a couple years at a time.
  14. The midichlorian, of course.
  15. *guitar riff* Inertia is a property of matter
  16. I think everybody should learn how to navigate by the sun and stars...it's really easy and actually quite helpful to know where you're going after only a quick glance at a clear sky. Yeah. I simply can't fathom -70*C...I don't know what that would be like, literally almost freezing the air from your breath...
  17. You see, normally you can wipe the fog off of your glasses when you go outside, but when it's this cold it just freezes onto them and you can't really do anything except take them off because they're just sun shades now until you go back inside.
  18. Temperature here: Temperature at South Pole Station, Antarctica: My glasses after going outside: And yes, I still want to go to the South Pole.
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