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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. https://youtu.be/nkXwO5nrimw ok, not bad. But where did I get that?
  2. HAHA! I'VE GOT YOU NOW! Lockpicking increased to Level 100
  3. Agreed. I live close to my school, definitely within biking distance, but I feel like even biking over the county highway is rather dangerous due to the car traffic and very narrow shoulder.
  4. Well, if antimatter happens to fall up instead of down, then wouldn't the galaxies be pushed apart and we wouldn't see galaxy-sized annihilations...but if that were the case then antimatter would also probably travel backwards in time, right? I really don't know much about antimatter, so take everything I say here with a grain of anti-salt.
  5. So...let me just make absolutely sure... We can tell whether distant galaxies are made of matter or antimatter, right? They don't look, you know, exactly the same in every way?
  6. I'm graduating this year, and I was thinking about it - some of these people are going to go out there and live in our Spaceship Earth, with no further education, and some of them are never going to know or care whether or not Pluto is a star. I'm not hating on them, and I know there really are a lot of decent people (I hang out with a bunch) but it's one thing I want to help make better in the world - people need to care about learning about how we are connected to each other, our planet, and the universe in order to keep our world a nice place, and make it better. Maybe after I've done my part in space I'll come back to be an astronomy teacher.
  7. They're trying to fly this thing to Mars in four years.
  8. That comment seems to be a joke or ruse, as some short reading about the insect shows that the ovipositor is used in rotting wood or soil, with no mention whatsoever of a parasitic nature, and I have little reason to believe that an omnivorous insect and close relative of crickets and katydids would even be capable of developing inside another animal.
  9. Looks like a giant cricket. It probably wouldn't be too hostile, but it can bite and scratch if it feels threatened. Other than that, I wouldn't worry about it at all.
  10. Should it have some aurora borealis as well?
  11. @cratercracker I've got something for you. Geminids:
  12. Need to communicate with someone halfway across the country? Use Morse code bouncing a powerful laser off the International Space Station.
  13. You can look at controls in the settings. There is a manual online as well. http://spaceengine.org/manual/user-manual/
  14. You change your speed to really really fast.
  15. If we had spiders the size of lobsters, I bet people would eat those just as readily.
  16. @Ultimate Steve one time during a cubing competition I was at there was a box of about 130 cubes (to be put on sale later) that was scrambled and solved by about five people.
  17. Definitely. Looks like from the side of a module.
  18. We'll just say "the quantum vacuum virtual plasma" and say it was close enough.
  19. Neat little puzzle in xkcd yesterday. https://xkcd.com/1975/ You actually can get the full version through the correct selections.
  20. Certainly not! I was building spaceships since long before I knew the first thing about dry mass ratios!
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