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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. There's a thin layer of clouds so I can just see a very fuzzy moon, but I can see where the eclipse is starting. There's a chance they'll clear out enough to get a good look later. If nothing else, I'll get to see an eerie red glow through the clouds.
  2. Weather looking iffy tomorrow morning, but I will still get up early to try to see the eclipse.
  3. One week until Falcon Heavy! And then I can finish and share my song! Gonna have to make a Youtube account probably...
  4. Doublethink. Continue believing in the dream while simultaneously being completely aware of everything in it.
  5. I've now created a total of 48 seconds of post-launch music, separated into several themes which will be extended when the time comes. I think at this point I need to stop and wait for the thing to actually fly before writing the rest of the song, otherwise it could turn into a jumbled mess.
  6. So basically what he's saying is you should email Sir Dyson directly.
  7. I came up with a theme that I think fits well with the idea of gravitational waves, and you know what that means...I need to use the actual sound of gravitational waves in the song. *it's working ...oh crap, I might have to make a pixel art of two black holes for this cover....uh oh
  8. You know you're a music nerd when you need to check your phone but don't want to stop playing the piano so you just keep improvising with one hand for a few minutes even though you're done and are just browsing the forums...
  9. "But it MIGHT be made of ice cream!"
  10. From what I know about flamethrowers, they have pretty pathetic Isp. Although coming from Musk, maybe these are more efficient.
  11. Yeah, if they scrub something like this it'll probably be a scrub for the day.
  12. Apparently you can preorder your Boring Company flamethrower if you guess the password: https://www.boringcompany.com/flamethrower
  13. A little bit different medium here, my watercolor of the Great Red Spot:
  14. Yes, that one. I clicked the link to see if it was the right one and it was.
  15. Hey, did you hear about the unclickable thread?
  16. I have lunch, then a STEM class during the first hour and twenty minutes of the launch window, so I should be fine.
  17. Here is a revised version, with just a few seconds of the post-launch melody: I presume the Hype Rating is higher, question is is it high enough?
  18. So you're saying the ticking clock should become more active at T-30? I think I'll be adding more countermelodies at that point, but particularly when mission control calls something out, so maybe not until after launch. Chords will increase in level and intensity as the clock counts down. The two measures before launch are the goal, and I still need to build up to that in the last ten seconds.
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