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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. To be fair, Tyrannosaurus Rex is Latin for "Tyrant Lizard King", which seems like a pretty good descriptor. However, spacecraft naming schemes do need to step it up a notch. "Space Launch System", for instance, describes literally every orbital and suborbital rocket ever. At least "BFR" gets the point across that it's a really big rocket.
  2. This is an original piece being written specifically for the Falcon Heavy launch. Whatever comes out as the end product will all be written by myself. A NEW epic piece of music, suitable for a hype rocket!
  3. When you start putting things down in midair despite not having lived in space recently, or ever.
  4. So you want me to go all Hans Zimmer on ignition? This is just the buildup, of course. It stops at exactly T-0. I wouldn't want to spoil the whole thing, now! But your point has been noted and I will consider it when writing the launch sequence and revising the prelaunch.
  5. In order to ensure that my Falcon Heavy theme conveys sufficient hype, I'd like some input on the prelaunch music I've written. The end of the audio is T-0.
  6. With the first Falcon Heavy static fire test complete, I think it's time to get some input on the song I'm writing for it's maiden flight. Tell me, do you think this theme will provide sufficient hype from T- 1:00 minute to T- 0? If you could please assign it a Hype Percentage based on your own judgement of the song, do so in the poll. Critique the piece in the comments. A revision: I would like to know if this much is sufficiently Hyped so that I can strive to provide maximum Hype throughout the video of the launch.
  7. So we can expect a launch in about two weeks! ... I should write more of the theme so that after launch I just have to align the pieces...it will be ready "soon"
  8. Seeing it would be pretty neat, sure, but I want to hear it.
  9. Is it possible to make a shareable music pack for Soundtrack Editor? If so, I can take up that task as I already have themes for several planets: The Sun Eve Earth (Kerbin) orbit and entry separate Moon (Mun) Minmus maybe coming soon done, it exists now Mars (Duna) Europa (Vall maybe) Laythe surface Saturn (Jool maybe) Each planet has its own leitmotif which appears in various related songs to tell a story. For instance, Laythe's theme contains the Jool leitmotif. This way the music tells a story about each planet.
  10. Just finished snowblowing about a foot of snow off my driveway.
  11. Whoopee! We can return to our regular "2 days left" schedule!
  12. School got let out a whole 20 minutes early over this. There's about six inches of snow on the ground, and my street hasn't been plowed yet.
  13. The International Date Line is mind-bending...what day is it in New Zealand right now? Sunday? Ok cool, I'll go look for the live stream.
  14. I came here, saw the size of the scroll bar, and left before it was too late.
  15. Once again the power of clicking prevails!
  16. Another thing that helps is if you take a few seconds right when you wake up to just reflect on the dream a little bit before you open your eyes, you're much more likely to remember it later.
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