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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I've finished assembly of a modular interplanetary transport. Now all that's left to do is wait for the right planetary alignment, top off the fuel tanks and send the crew, and then fly it to Duna! I think I'll build another one to send to Eve and Gilly.
  2. Sure, right now it's pretty much out of the question but what I'm saying is you wouldn't necessarily die because of it.
  3. Not true. The user below me likes shrimp.
  4. I suppose it wouldn't lose muscle mass like a biological heart does...but can it pump in such a way as to avoid blood rushing to the head in weightlessness? I think you'd need some software updates, but it might be possible.
  5. I had a dream split into two nights just a little while ago.
  6. Tonight I tried to see the occultation of a dim star by the Moon, and the transit of an old Soviet telecommunications satellite across the Moon. Both attempts failed. It turns out it's hard to see a bus-sized object from 35000 km away.
  7. PSA: Asteroid 3200 Phaethon will pass 10.269 million kilometers from Earth on December 16 at about 23:10 UTC, with an apparent magnitude of 11.12. It will be brightest on December 14 with an apparent magnitude of 10.7. This data is from Stellarium, which also shows the precise position of the asteroid in the sky over time. It's going to get fairly high in the sky where I live, so I'm hopeful I'll be able to see it and watch it track across the sky.
  8. There are not enough spaceships, and each only accommodates a few highly trained people so that not enough people get the opportunity to go to space. If spaceships were cheaper, more common, and passenger friendly (easy-to-fly is probably out of the question for now) then there would be lots of people going to space. I was referring purely to the small number of people who have been to space as the problem which can be somewhat solved by making spaceflight more accessible.
  9. I unmistakably saw Earth's curvature at a beach. Also the Moon is upside down in Brazil.
  10. I think the problem is in our spaceships...
  11. You're right, there's a lot of work you need to put in beforehand. I fail to see where it turns from "experienced qualified person" to "wizard", though.
  12. Might be a good idea to make the OP more clear about that.
  13. Right, but there are lots of tall people who want to go to space and some of the giant rockets in the works will most likely be able to accommodate those people, so all hope is not lost. I'm nearing the upper limit myself and will probably end up really close to it. Other than that, the abilities needed don't seem very impossible.
  14. Could someone enlighten me as to what are the "special abilities" that astronauts have mere mortals don't which inhibit most people from becoming astronauts? As far as I know you need to: -Be able to work well in a team -Be reasonably fit -Be able to focus, think critically and accomplish tasks with limited resources -Really, really want to go to space That doesn't seem like anything superhuman to me.
  15. I'm looking more for stuff like colorized terrain.
  16. All those options were released at the same time. I would like it if the new planet maps had as much functionality as those in Google Earth, but they are pretty cool nonetheless.
  17. The Portal series is really great, I've played through both countless times. I can beat Portal 1 in less than half an hour. I don't know what it is about me and doing puzzles fast, but there's something really enjoyable about it.
  18. I'm thankful for the great opportunities presented for the next years of my life in my advancement towards spaceflight.
  19. I've been working on it since I was five years old. I may be able to get to ISS during its final years, then my next target is the Moon's giant lava tubes, then the flood valleys of Mars. I believe this aligns well with my life's projected timeline and the plans of major space agencies. Phobos and Deimos would be great stops too. Imagine that - I want to walk on up to five worlds in my lifetime and not only believe it to be possible but am actually pursuing that goal. I'd probably go to Jupiter or Saturn if the coast phase is less than a year and there's more than ten people there.
  20. People complain about things without realizing that everything is beautiful.
  21. cubinator

    strange dream

    That sure is a strange dream.
  22. If KSP inspires someone to become one of the first Mars colonists, and they do something that affects the course of the rest of the colonization process, then KSP will live millions of years.
  23. Which would make me slightly more uneasy about flying through the interstellar medium at Ludicrous Speed, if the opportunity should arise.
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