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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. It takes a little while for a project like this to pick up. When I started my 8-bit drawings, I barely got any replies. I still barely get any replies. But look, a few months later somebody noticed it enough to ask me to do some drawings for them! And take a look at the number of views of this thread- lots of people observe silently. So, continue if you enjoy drawing.
  2. I usually get that, followed by a numbness in a thumb or toe which crawls about my body, and my mind gets fuzzy and I can't remember how to speak. The headache is the least awful part of the ordeal.
  3. I hear SpaceX doesn't look too closely at educational status... One disadvantage I have is occasional complex migraines- When one strikes, I can't really use my brain for a few hours, then afterwards I have a bad headache for a whole day. I'm still not sure how to stop it at the beginning, and I worry that if I go to space I'll get a really bad one right away.
  4. I haven't heard of it. It's happening both on my PC and phone.
  5. The forum has been logging me out several times per day the past couple of days. It never used to do that. Any idea why that is?
  6. Kerbin is really small, so you get plasma more often during launch than you see in real life. I've noticed that when I launch in Real Solar System I get fire much less often. So yeah, giving your ascent a lower acceleration would probably be the best way to avoid that, unless you want to make Kerbin bigger.
  7. [Elon Musk thinks this and then takes it seriously] I think having a forum app would just be redundant. What would make it so much more convenient than the browser that it justifies putting the extra time and effort into it?
  8. A big hailstorm rolled through this morning, turning the sky dark and green.
  9. You might be able to start being an engineer now! All you have to do is start building contraptions. This summer I want to build the instruments from the Animusic track "Starship Groove" so I can actually play them, and I might start on a cool spacesuit costume I want by Halloween after I finish that. In order to save time and energy, I want to install the infrastructure in my grandma's lawn (basically just a wire around the perimeter) for a robotic lawnmower that's been sitting in the garage for years so I don't have to mow it every week.
  10. Here is Hyperion, as requested by @cratercracker:
  11. Now that's one I've honestly never heard. Two spaces after a period!
  12. * rattle rattle * It's locked.
  13. I've got only one year of high school left after today! Then it's off to college and hopefully the space industry!
  14. How long before I die as a result of viewing these images and knowing what they are? Or do I have too much determination for them to affect me? Side note: Another Don't Click This thread? And this one has a topic! They're evolving. We have to stop this!
  15. -When you can tell where in the ISS an astronaut's video is after watching a 50 minute tour -When you watched that 50 minute tour of the ISS in the first place
  16. Borked the landing at the last second and desperately thrusting with RCS to try to right yourself:
  17. When I first drew Spacesuit Asriel, I wasn't sure what kind of a space helmet he would need to fit his horns. Well, turns out it's not that unreasonable: This is the same spacesuit from the original.
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