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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. https://www.reddit.com/r/gifs/comments/5sxy19/we_now_have_the_technology_to_see_light_moving/ This is new in that it can record a light pulse in a single recording, rather than previous setups which had to repeat the scene many different times.
  2. A lot of people here have mentioned human to computer interface as well...
  3. Phone screen stopped lighting up? Administer a few healthy zaps from a Tesla coil!
  4. I'm thinking of a specific region on Mars. If you look at a relief map you'll surely find it.
  5. Ba ba ba bap bap ba ba baa bap bap ba ba ba bap bap ba baa
  6. I'm thinking of a place where many giant rivers may have flowed billions of years ago. It's still noticeable today.
  7. I speak English and Portuguese, enough French to get by in France, and a little Spanish.
  8. Grillby when he turns into a fire flower
  9. https://xkcd.com/862/ "After years of trying various methods, I broke this habit by pitting my impatience against my laziness. I decoupled the action and the neurological reward by setting up a simple 30-second delay I had to wait through, in which I couldn't do anything else, before any new page or chat client would load (and only allowed one to run at once). The urge to check all those sites magically vanished--and my 'productive' computer use was unaffected."
  10. Impressive drone constellation in the half time show.
  11. In response to this thread, I decided to make an Undertale-style Jeb, and it turned out really well. Here it is: I liked it so much, I decided to make more. This is a place where I will put them, as the collection has since grown substantially. Here they are, more or less in order of creation: Jeb as Sans (glowing eye) POTaTOS (b/w) POTaTOS (yellow eye) It Begins BIRD! BIRD! BIRD! AAAAAAAAAAA Wheatley Darth Gaster Walking Spaceman Wheatley GLaDOS That's all for now. When I make another one I'll post it here. Comments are far more appreciated than likes, and if you would like something drawn I will consider it!
  12. Some of the energy is lost to heat instead of being converted to electricity. You can't get rid of this amount, but you can make it smaller, raising efficiency.
  13. How about some pigeons to guide that missile for you? (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Pigeon)
  14. I should start a thread with all of these in one place, and maybe take suggestions or something. I'm starting to get pretty into this.
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