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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I just solved the 3x3x2, sort of by surprise. I was building it sort of layer-by-layer and was able to get the white (3x3) layer done (the yellow layer is automatically oriented at this point because no 90 degree turns are possible on the 3x2 faces) and was trying to figure out how to permute the yellow layer when suddenly I had a solved cuboid. I don't know how I did it though, but I think with some practice I could intuitively come up with some algorithms for permuting the last layer.
  2. I've just got my hands on the octahedron, the 3x3x2, and *drumroll* a 3x3x9??? I think my dad snuck that one into the order (which was under his account). The 3x3x9 feels like it does not like to be speedsolved (it's pretty springy and has a lot of parts that I don't want to have to put back together), the 3x3x2 feels really solid and smooth (no corner cuts, but it doesn't really need them) and the octahedron is springy and somewhat prone to lockups. I think I'll scramble the 3x3x2 first...
  3. I suppose I'm the first to make a space station with Kopernicus:
  4. It's actually a misassembled Schrodingersaurus. Which came first: the chicken or the egg? (This one really has an answer, can you prove it?)
  5. Super Mario Bro: Seriously, we all know nobody really cares about Luigi...
  6. *eats homework* Now you just have to tell your teacher that your waiter ate your homework. Waiter, my soup can't be factored any further!
  7. Floor 1442 hosts a single F1 engine pointed downwards in the center, and in one corner lies a charred pile of ashes with a sheet of notebook paper on top, on which the words "Did not go to space today" are written.
  8. The button goes unpressed. Press this button for 0.5 cubic meters of the metal of your choice in an appropriate container.
  9. What's goofy? This isn't goofy font! It's COMICAL! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Waiter, my soup voided my bowl's warranty!
  10. Do not stack Magic Boulders into a snowman.
  11. I've got one too, but that thing is a huge pain to twist even once so I never played with it much. Here, I figured this out when I was seven years old: http://www.youcandothecube.com/secret-unlocked/solution-stage-one.aspx
  12. Yesterday I bought a bunch of new twisty puzzles on Amazon. Some of them might arrive on Monday or Tuesday, but the rest will probably take a whole month to get here. I can already solve any n*n*n cube given enough time, and anything larger than 7x7x7 costs more than $40, so I decided to get a bunch of really strange ones. Here they are: The reason I am fascinated with non-cubic puzzles is that if you can solve a 5x5x5, then you could solve a 10x10x10 or a 17x17x17 if someone gave you one on a long weekend, because the basic mechanics of the puzzles are the same. With cuboids and non-cubic polyhedrons, there are certain turns that would be perfectly normal on a cube which aren't possible because of the very shape of the puzzle, and vice versa, as well as some turns having very different actions on non-cubic puzzles than they would on cubes. Then, of course, I get to confuse the heck out of my friends as they realize what I'm holding isn't actually a cube like they're used to. Anyone else here into exotic twisty puzzles?
  13. If I had a time machine, the two things I'd go see are the Apollo 11 landing and the first release of Star Wars. I remember watching the Space Shuttle launches when I was in elementary school, and looking at the Great Red Spot through the telescope much earlier. I remember the planet Pluto, the end of the shuttle program, Curiosity's landing, and of course Dawn, New Horizons, Rosetta, and Juno, and the first Falcon 9 landings. I think I'll get to see a lot of really cool stuff in my lifetime, hopefully including a bright blue dot and a dim gray one in a blue sunset.
  14. When you have a separate cube for OH and another for normal solves. When you need large cuboids for a new challenge.
  15. I only worry that they'll completely butcher their science to make way for all the romance...as most everyone on this forum probably would.
  16. Oh yeah! Was this that mission with the turtles that may have been the first creatures to see an earthrise?
  17. Kudos to @linuxgurugamer for making a CKAN entry for this mod! Now you can download and update it with the click of a single (ok fine two) buttons!
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