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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Banned for not being a domestic cat.
  2. Why do I always come here right after going to the Google Picture War?
  3. Cover it with goop, and it becomes this!
  4. THE SOUP GOD SENSES GREAT SOUPINESS IN YOU. YOU WILL BE A GOOD SOUP PERSON. Waiter, my soup is massless and bouncing around the room at c!
  5. How about Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicavolcaniconiosia? I'll settle for "Bob" though.
  6. Because for science! What if Mars is actually pointing a gun at Saturn?
  7. 11 is 3 in binary. TopHeavy11 is now proven to be a sentient computer that is part of the Illuminati.
  8. I heard a rumor that those shiny dots in the sky are actually giant balls of fire. Crazy, right? There's no way that could be true.
  9. Don't you know we have slides to get places fast? To go up we can just hit a switch on the local gravity generators. *imagines Stormtroopers running into a brightly-colored slide and putting their hands in the air during an attack* Banned for being a sandwich with eyelids.
  10. 10/10 for even getting there, especially considering you specialize in SSTN's.
  11. He never appears when he is summoned, only when he is not expected. @KSP Bro AE
  12. We caught them firing their Death Star recently.
  13. I'm pretty sure the shark is supposed to be there. The other stuff we'll remove. Waiter, there's a broken sand crawler in my soup!
  14. Another thread. Wait...ok, maybe I'd rather post in the "Solve a Paradox" thread now... Would you rather look at Saturn or Jupiter in a small telescope, given you can only look at one of them and both are reasonably visible?
  15. Great job! Does it come with an emergency potato chest?
  16. Actual parachutes have collision meshes, unlike those in KSP.
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