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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Less detail is always easier to do in VR, especially when it has to go hand in hand with complex physics calculations. But if I could get RVE running smoothly in a headset, I would totally go for it.
  2. Ok good. I knew about them using retrorockets, but I thought they'd be done firing them and have a minute or two before the trucks get there. Looks like the Russians have almost Kerbal-fast recovery!
  3. It looks a little bit fiery...Is that just a side effect of the retrorockets or was there something wrong?
  4. Because some guy with a bunch of rocks. How much does it cost per night at Frared Inn?
  5. Granted, it's much faster but you now live on Io so you've got about an hour delay before anything happens. Also, volcanoes and radiation will make life hard for you. I wish I could do all the stuff I can do in dreams in real life too.
  6. The potato rocket will be operational as planned.
  7. I'll catch him! No, wait! Where'd he go? Waiter, my soup just grew legs and ran away!
  8. Stock Rubik's cube, it's very clunky but it works!
  9. I know, but to avoid any potential legal issues I'm going to make mine from scratch. I don't want any more hassle than I need in making this Death Star for all of us.
  10. I'm having the same(ish) problem on my Death Star. When I blur the crater, it doesn't show up when I load the texture again or in game. I'll have to try some PQS mods and/or lowering the texture size.
  11. I am cubinator. My quest is to cross all seven bridges on this river exactly once. I only surf microwaves and x-rays. What is your name? What is your quest? How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck hammers?
  12. ... He'll explode soon enough. Waiter, there are only seven red coins in my soup!
  13. Feeding the Martians. Where do parachutes go when they land?
  14. Banned for flying too low to be in space but too high to be in jet range.
  15. Granted, your genie found this slice on the ground behind a trash can in a crowded subway station. I wish for the weather to be cloudy tomorrow but not rainy.
  16. You're not saying anything, so it's not a lie or a truth. There are patterns in a universe full of randomness.
  17. I've had too many blue screens lately, I'll take the latter. Would you rather eat cooked grasshoppers or centipedes?
  18. When you decide that KSP needs moar Star Wars so you make a Death Star orbiting Kerbin.
  19. You can snoop around in deathstar.cfg if you want to! radius = 60000 geeASL = 0.07 Make whatever texture you like! If you make it you can implement it! I am going to try to make one myself, too. Cool. I think in the next update I'll leave that in the config so people can edit in their own ground textures if they want. Do you know if it's possible to have different textures for different biomes? I always imagined the superlaser having a smoother look up close than the rest of the station.
  20. It's about the same size as the original, with much-too-high density like the other stock bodies. Thanks! I'd love to make it look more like this up close:
  21. I hope there's not too much hydrazine in there... Waiter, my soup is made of Legos!
  22. Granted, but they get blown up by an asteroid a day after construction is finished. I wish I remembered whether I'd already beat Super Mario Sunshine before playing it on DolphinVR.
  23. That's odd...must be the tractor beam. Did any of those contracts involve Ike, perchance? Ike is the template in the Kopernicus config file.
  24. Version 0.2 is released with a slightly better heightmap! The next features I will work on are probably these: Small trenches for true Star Wars-style trench dogfights Trying to make the crater as smooth as possible Getting the heightmap to show up in map view
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