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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Sea ice levels appear to be quite variable over the course of a year. I would prefer to have less ice there, especially since it's way too much ice for summer and during winter when it is supposed to be icy I can't see it anyways because it's in constant shadow.
  2. Hey @NathanKell, is there a way I can get rid of the huge circle of ice around Antarctica, or would it mess up the north pole too? I'd like to know what causes it, and if the settings for the two ice caps can be manipulated separately in order to make an awesome realism mod even more realistic. Thanks!
  3. Also, here's my own variation of the quote: "Shoot for the Moon. If you reach the stars, you were going too damn fast!"
  4. I can see it now... *unfolding mirror* [Lead engineer] "Commence primary ignition!"
  5. Find out what ejection angle is needed for a Hohmann transfer to the desired planet Add/subtract how far away (in degrees) you want the comms link from the planet Perform your ejection burn at the angle from step 2 relative to the target planet. Example: Two sats at +120* and -120* from Duna A Hohmann transfer from Kerbin to Duna has a phase angle of 44*. 44 - 120 = -76, 44 + 120 = 164 The sats should be ejected when Duna is at -76* and +164* relative to Kerbin, then perform circularization burns at apoapsis.
  6. Granted, it's Pepsi that has been cooled in a controlled environment so that it freezes in crystal form. Because this process is time consuming and requires a specialized freezer, it's $30 a bottle. I wish for pan-fried grasshopper.
  7. Don't expect rocket science to be particularly easy, is all I'm saying.
  8. Nice job on the station! Think you'll build one around Duna anytime soon? You're doing great, I don't think I had a station after just a month!
  9. Hi! If you ever need anything, we'll be here to help! The learning curve is quite steep, but you'll find it's a lot of fun even in failures (which usually involve spectacular explosions and debris flying everywhere)!
  10. Our beautiful home in all it's splendor: ...except for that damn TAC-LS icon I can't get rid of. Actually, you know what I might make this a background for my desktop. Here, have some more:
  11. You been reading The Island of Doctor Moreau? That was a creepy book...
  12. No wonder Bob is always upset when he's hearing those noises in the rockets.
  13. Eekum-bokum? Waiter, there's a fly in my frog soup!
  14. Gee, where have I seen that before?
  15. Yeah, for the first minute or so before the atmosphere starts getting too thin to breathe...
  16. A ball of mint ice cream the size of Minmus hits your house at ~10 km/s. I wish for a lightsaber.
  17. ...is that a problem? You wanted soup, and we made you soup. Waiter, my soup is a superfluid!
  18. You know you're a nerd when you read the Space Shuttle Operator's Manual and are not an astronaut.
  19. Just do a prograde burn at any time in LKO until immediately after your orbit becomes an escape trajectory. Then, just after you leave Kerbin SOI, do whatever science, etc. you have planned, then burn straight towards Kerbin until you get an encounter. Once back in Kerbin SOI, manipulate your trajectory to where you want it.
  20. You can't fool me, I know how important bees are. And I've never been stung by a bee, only wasps. Bees aren't that bad. Just in case, I'd better invent tiny robotic pollinator drones to save the world from you.
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