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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. I know, I was just saying to be careful about it. I'm sure a little fun is ok, but in moderation (no pun intended).
  2. I think this is a more realistic alternative right now. Sure, cultured meat can be useful, but grasshoppers are way easier to raise and more energy-efficient. Besides, they already exist in large quantities whereas cultured meat doesn't.
  3. Well, thanks anyways for incorporating it into KSP. Scatterer is my favorite visual mod because it does such a great job.
  4. I think it's a new "horizontal line" button that got added by request. That's what it does, is make horizontal lines.
  5. The Keyboard museum. Why does water go in a glass instead of glass going in a water?
  6. I...actually kind of want to see this now.
  7. Mine was originally a Moyu Weilong speedcube, which is the kind I carry around everywhere with me. Now it's the first ever working Rubik's Cube made in KSP.
  8. OR, we could just use the hydrogen for the birthday balloons so we can have helium for the airships. What could go wrong?
  9. Hey @blackrack, I just want to congratulate you and say thanks for what you've done. I took a screenshot picture of Laythe Superior Lake Superior today, just because I felt I had to show this to you. Here it is: Honestly, I was impressed not so much by the immensity of the lake (I don't get to see a "real" horizon where I live) but more by how closely it resembles the water in Scatterer. No other visual mod I've seen has so perfectly portrayed it's real-world counterpart as those waves. All of them look great, but there's something about each one that makes it not quite "real". Those waves, though, the waves you made... they feel real. And that's something I think you should be really proud of. Thanks for this spectacular mod that makes the game feel orders of magnitude more awesome! You are awesome for this! You could charge money for this kind of quality in other places, and the fact that you do it for free deserves great praise. Thank you!
  10. Well, good thing I've never bothered to follow anyone. I get enough notifications as-is...
  11. Of course! Family > Forum. I'd totally do the same in your position. All the best to your mom!
  12. It's one of your favorite halves. Where does the sun go in a cave?
  13. Give it a telescope so it can do something useful with that interest. Waiter, the Force is strong in my soup!
  14. Does that mean Sieta has been talking to Jeb this whole time?
  15. But if Jeb got blown up on Day 1, how is he orbiting Laythe?
  16. I do. I think I have the standard configs, actually, because all the planets are white. I should find the RSS ones...
  17. Ok, so that's the problem. Is there a way to fix this? I've had this problem for a long time, and I don't know how I did it or even if it's my fault. I'll be upgrading to Windows 10 when I get home on Sunday, and that might miraculously fix a lot of things.
  18. -26 (-) I'll post here if I decide to, pinging me won't help with that. And I'm a hexahedron, not a positron.
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