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Everything posted by cubinator

  1. Hang on, I just had an idea... ...quoteception.
  2. Granted, it starts hailing and doesn't stop for three days. I wish I didn't keep forgetting which forum game I was in.
  3. Soon I plan on actually starting to use Kerbal Planetary Base Systems, which I installed a while ago but have never actually done anything base-related with. Once my current career game advances far enough, I will be able to build a large surface base on Minmus. It's time I actually did more on that little moon than just landing single-launch landers and small rovers.
  4. Hey! That is the official Kerbonaut training simulator.
  5. You ran out of food because the transfer took many years. I make a Minmus SSTO spaceplane.
  6. https://what-if.xkcd.com/140/ My soup had a slight problem.
  7. Using oversized font is cheating. You know what they say in elementary school- If you don't have anything size 14 or less to say, don't say it at all!
  8. It's a Flatland reference (great book, awful movie!). Pointland is a zero-dimensional universe with a consciousness; it cannot perceive or understand anything outside it's own mind. If you try to tell it there are other beings and other dimensions, it will think the thought originated in it's own mind and will simply dismiss it as nonsense. Then we could talk to aliens easily and also make interstellar ships that can go way faster then what we can do in our universe. What if the K-Pg event had never happened?
  9. Granted. Your don't have to worry about anything, strictly speaking, but if you want to live in modern society you still have to pay for things. I wish the mobile editor wasn't so borked.
  10. OH NO! THAT'S NOT WATER, IT'S HYDROXIC ACID! CALL THE POISON CONTROL CENTER NOW!!!! Waiter, my soup is made of electr--
  11. I hope you're slimmer than 60 AU...
  12. Another space race? That'd work wonders for getting NASA to get their program moving and get some humans a little further than ankle-deep in the cosmic ocean we've been throwing robots at for the past 40+ years. As for this whole "Red Dragon" thing, it seems like it'll be just a test flight to see how it works (man, SpaceX really seems to have a lot of money to throw around like that chucking rockets everywhere and not worrying if they blow up), but it'll also serve to get the public all hyped about their Mars goals they always talk about. "Hey, we landed this thing on Mars! Come fund us so someday we can land YOU on Mars too!" Actually showing that they really can land a payload on Mars makes their "humans on Mars in 2026" talk a lot more credible.
  13. I sure couldn't live without lungs. I mean, unless I was a worm or sponge or something, and I'm not. Oh, the KSP thing I couldn't live without! I get it now. The ability to slap together an actual freaking spaceship of my own design. Granted, it's not 100% realistic, but I can design a rocket and see how it is affected by various forces like atmospheric drag, heat, and structural integrity. I can fly it to those little dots in the sky, land it there, and walk around, build bases, everything! The design portion is what makes this game special. The fact that each individual part does almost nothing useful by itself, but each one can be used in conjunction with other parts to make whole planes, rockets, and space stations. That is why KSP is the best game ever.
  14. Don't. Knowing multiple languages can get you much broader view of the world than if you only knew one, especially since you can travel to all the places where those languages are spoken commonly. And if you don't have an opportunity to use your languages, they will be lost.
  15. ...and is a library. Shhh! The building is a library...
  16. Gets one big one, and a few spare parts. Inserts relativistic baseball.
  17. @Galacticvoyager I suggest you add a rule that once you post on a side, you must wait for the other side to make a post before posting again. Otherwise, this thread is a vat of hydrogen just waiting to combust with something.
  18. Maybe we could name Makemake's newly discovered moon Kerbol or something along those lines.
  19. @AbacusWizard Isn't there so much fun to be had in Minmus' varied environment? When I advance my tech tree enough in my current career game I'll build a whole fleet of stuff to sent to Minmus! There'll be an orbiting station, a surface base or two, and I'll try to make a SSTO spaceplane that can deliver base modules to the surface! I've always wanted to do that, but never got around to it. Maybe I should make a thread for it in Mission Reports when I get around to it.
  20. Does Dawn spawn random Nyan cats and lasers and overpost in the forum games? *on-topic* I wonder what Makemake and its moon are like compared to the Pluto system. I wonder how geologic activity changes with objects that are really, really far from the sun. What about objects like Sedna, which get close (read: far) to the sun for a while then spend a long time really far away (read: really really really really far away)? There is so much that we don't know about these objects way out there...
  21. The Hulk is a giant cancer monster. That much is certain. And I think the amount of energy needed to grow that fast would be something on the order of a nuclear weapon, but that's just an arbitrary guess based on me reading too many What Ifs lately. Also, if it's actually mitosis happening there then the speed would totally destroy all the enzymes, polymers, lipids, proteins, sugars, and everything else needed for a cell to be a cell and not a clump of broken molecules. Also, Iron Man's OP hand-rockets. Seriously, he could have just named them Turbo-encabulators.
  22. I've seen that! Haha, it's funny when we pretend she's joking, isn't it?
  23. ...full of trains which are driven by cockroaches. The Burj Khalifa is...
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