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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. What you are saying would make sense if we were talking about real life, in space, without a camera lense. If you are in space in real life, there isn't a sun flare at all. You wouldn't have any glare ghosts and there wouldn't be a "fog". Stock does a decent job of what it would look like (minus the fact that its super yellow). The scatterer sunflare is how the sun would look from behind a lense. Here is a photo from NASA for reference. Because of the lense, there is a sun flare and there is a large "foggy" area that would indeed "cover things up with light". This isn't due to atmospheric scattering. It's due to the lense of the camera. If anything, I toned it down. It wouldn't be so bad if the sun in KSP wasnt so unrealistically close. If you want realism, remove the flares. If you just don't like this flare, there are plenty floating around the forum. Feel free to replace it
  2. Yes because the stock sun is that big. Remove scatterer and see for yourself.
  3. I just uploaded 1.2.1 7 hours ago so give it some time and 1.2 was less than 24 hours before that. I don't deal with CKAN because I haven't taken the time to figure it out. The format of SVE has completely changed and CKAN will need to account for that, so the time it takes for it to be updated on CKAN is up to whoever wants to do the work to get it there
  4. No you aren't doing anything wrong here, I have seen it once before but the issue went away. What I did to fix it escapes me at the moment. I may have done nothing and the issue have fixed itself, I can't quite remember. @JadeOfMaar have you seen this issue before? What could be causing it? The decals maybe?(hopefully not) In the grand scheme of things it's not a huge issue but it is something we will look into.
  5. Well, the maps didn't change so it probably still exists. I'll wait for your coordinates so I can apply a fix. Thanks for bringing it up.
  6. This issue was fixed in the latest update. You need to delete the scatterer and GPPVE that came with 1.2.0 and just install a fresh copy of Scatterer
  7. To keep default EVE Jool and Laythe follow these steps closely. FOR JOOL: 1. Replace SVE's Jool cloud nodes with this block of code in the EVE_Clouds section of SVE_Settings.cfg OBJECT { name = Jool-clouds1 body = Jool altitude = 4500 speed = 0,90,0 detailSpeed = 0,6,0 settings { _DetailTex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/detaileve1 _UVNoiseTex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/uvnoise1 _UVNoiseScale = 0.1 _UVNoiseStrength = 0.007 _UVNoiseAnimation = 1,0.1 _DetailScale = 120 _Color = 26,43,16,255 _MainTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/jool type = AlphaCubeMap alphaMask = ALPHAMAP_R } } layer2D { macroCloudMaterial { _DetailDist = 2E-06 } } layerVolume { size = 4000,2 maxTranslation = 0,100,0 particleMaterial { _Tex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/particle/rgb _BumpMap = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/particle/particle_NRM _LightScatter = 0.55 } } } 2. Locate EVE's Jool textures BoulderCo>Textures>JoolXp / JoolXn / JoolYp / JoolYn / JoolZp / JoolZn and BoulderCo>Atmosphere>Textures>detaileve1 3. Copy and and paste them into StockVisualEnhancements>Textures FOR LAYTHE: 1. Replace SVE's Laythe cloud nodes with this block of code in the EVE_Clouds section of SVE_Settings.cfg (DO NOT DELETE THE LAYTHE-AURORA NODE IF YOU WISH TO KEEP IT) OBJECT { name = Laythe-clouds1 body = Laythe altitude = 6000 detailSpeed = 0,6,0 settings { _DetailTex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/detail1 _UVNoiseTex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/uvnoise1 _DetailScale = 20 _Color = 102,102,153,255 _MainTex { value = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/cube type = AlphaCubeMap } } layer2D { shadowMaterial { } macroCloudMaterial { _DetailDist = 2E-06 } } layerVolume { size = 4000,2 maxTranslation = 0,100,0 particleMaterial { _Tex = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/particle/rgb _BumpMap = StockVisualEnhancements/Textures/particle/particle_NRM _LightScatter = 0.55 } } } 2. Locate EVE's Laythe textures BoulderCo>Textures>cubeXp / cubeXn / cubeYp / cubeYn / cubeZp / cubeZn 3. Copy and and paste them into StockVisualEnhancements>Textures Now put THIS cfg inside of StockVisualEnhancements>Textures Run KSP and profit. This does not restore Laythes default scatterer setting. I haven't tested out a way to do that yet, and its too late tonight to do it.
  8. UPDATE Change Log 1.2.1 MM cfgs no longer disables other visual packs TO INSTALL Download and install Stock Visual Enhancements https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/1.2.1 Download and install SVE Textures https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/1.0 Download and install Environmental Visual Enhancements https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases Download and install the latest Module Manager https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/125/artifact/ModuleManager-2.7.5.zip Download and install latest Scatterer https://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer Optional (recommended mods) Kopernicus (required for Jool rings to work) https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases PlanetShine https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/224876-planetshine#t1:other-downloads Distant Object Enhancements https://github.com/MOARdV/DistantObject/releases
  9. Yes, that's where sunflares go. for skyboxes, put the textures in the default folder and download Rangmachines version of texturereplacer. The link is on texturereplacers thread in the OP
  10. Well colonizable is a broad word. I mean, we have had plans to "colonize" the moon in the past. It's having the technology to do it that holds us back. But, if you want me to outline what I think would make for a life sustaining planet, I can only fathom that it would be much like Earth. Needs an atmosphere with breathable oxygen, oceans of water or an abundance of frozen water on or under the surface. Planets like Mars are on the fence, but I believe with technology we can successfully colonize a Martian type planet and be able to sustain life there. When designing GPP, I basically put rocks in orbit, and tapped into @OhioBobs knowledge on atmospheres, before applying any to the bodies. He really is the authority on what was livable and what wasn't. The rescale alters distance and radius. What are the coordinates for that?
  11. It's a lot harder now that everything is an MM cfg. im in class now but I'll try to get you some instructions this evening
  12. That's it. All you have to do is download and install the latest scatterer now.
  13. Just a concert to mm is all for now. There isn't a whole lot I can do until scatterer gets fixed.
  14. All setting are already toggled by an mm cfg. You don't need to touch anything.
  15. HERE YOU GO! Rald for GPP The only issue I had was not knowing where you had Rald to begin with (didn't think to ask), so this puts it in a very low orbit around Gael using the InnerMoon cfg included in Ralds DL. Makes for a funny main menu screen You can alter the SMA and the reference body to put it where ever you want. This DL redistributes all of Ralds textures so you wont have to go re-download everything again. Just plug and play. To anyone else that downloads this, do know that the Sunflare is SUPER big because @CatastrophicFailure plays in a scaled version of GPP. Just remove the sunflare node from the GPP_Rald cfg to use the sunflare that comes with GPP. I did not think to check Ralds license and I'm in bed now. Hopefully @KerikBalm is ok with me making this version available here. If not, I will remove it. Or perhaps it can be posted in Ralds threads OP? That way it will never be lost and others can use it.
  16. UPDATE Change Log 1.2.0 Entire mod now done with Module Manager configs. New Scatterer sunflare Added MiniAVC TO INSTALL Download and install Stock Visual Enhancements https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/1.2.0 Download and install SVE Textures https://github.com/Galileo88/StockVisualEnhancements/releases/tag/1.0 Download and install Environmental Visual Enhancements https://github.com/WazWaz/EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements/releases Download and install the latest Module Manager https://ksp.sarbian.com/jenkins/job/ModuleManager/125/artifact/ModuleManager-2.7.5.zip Download and install latest Scatterer https://spacedock.info/mod/141/scatterer Optional (recommended mods) Kopernicus (required for Jool rings to work) https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/releases PlanetShine https://mods.curse.com/ksp-mods/kerbal/224876-planetshine#t1:other-downloads Distant Object Enhancements https://github.com/MOARdV/DistantObject/releases @politas I want to thoroughly apologize for changing the format in which SVE is distributed again, but this should be the absolute easiest way for ckan do work with SVE.
  17. This is an issue that is caused by Sigma Dimensions and more specifically, the fadeStart and fadeEnd parameters in Kopernicus. Scatterer does not play nice with scaled systems currently.
  18. Send me your files and ill make you a folder with a directory that will work from here on out. thats easier than typing it all out
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