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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Absolutely man! Also, tell your wife thank you as well! I wish my wife would help me with stuff like this lol. I will invite you to the dev message thread soon.
  2. Well that's good to know lol i don't play enough to catch these issues. To bad we can't just use the community science defs and just change them for GPP, they are too specific to the stock game
  3. I really only care about the Gael system getting complete. Doing ALL 28 bodies is a lot of work and i wouldnt put that on anyone.
  4. Ok cool. I was only asking because I'm in position to upload a new version today, fixing some issues. I was just trying to get as much put in as possible
  5. Has anyone posted and science defs to the spreadsheet as of lately?
  6. Thanks for the kind words! I have never seen this. I will needs logs and a screenshot of your gamedata folder
  7. or the CareerSaver cfg... woops. Didn't see jade already pointed it out.
  8. @eddiew I found a true fix for the gas giant visual annoyance. In the Scatterer planetlist cfg, change the loadDistance and unloadDistance of the gas giants to match that of another body. I used Catullus. That fixes it. I don't know why or what changed from scatterer v0.0256 to v0.0300 but it's doesn't like the older load or unload values. But, whatever it's fixed. Now we are just working toward a kerbalism antenna cfg that we are happy with and then we will push another update with the fixes.
  9. QUICK UPDATE Change Log v0.0.2.2 Fixed Scatterer visual bugs on all gas giants Fixed install instructions and links DOWNLOAD
  10. There are bigger fish to fry than this. I know that's all relative, but this kerbal SPACE program so I assume this won't be a high priority thing.
  11. Delete everything and install all of the new stuff. Nearly everything has changed. I would never reccomend overwriting old files. Just be sure to use the career saver cfg if you intend to continue a career
  12. I like opm but I don't think it's great to be honest. People like it because it's stock alike, and that's fine. It's probably the only planet pack that could be a good addition to the stock game. But that's the problem. The stock game is boring and stale. That is why planet packs exist. Just my opinion.
  13. It didn't tickle his fancy. It didn't have exactly what he was looking for. There was this constant feeling of something missing. That "Thing" is kind of hard to define. It like telling an aging sports star he doesn't have "it" anymore.
  14. Yes you need the latest scatterer, but that has nothing to do with clouds Did you install Environmental Visual Enhancements? Or did you forget kopernicus? Either way just post a screenshot of your gamedata folder
  15. Oh man, the amount of people here that think this is a serious issue make me laugh, especially after it has been explained over and over. Oh well, I love the pranks that have been popping up in some of these mods. More so the reactions of unsuspecting players.
  16. Well, you really only have one option. Just use EVE and its default cfgs. EVE is required for any and all cloud packs to work. So using it and its default cfgs is the best performance you will get out of a cloud pack. If your system can't run base EVE, then you are kind of at a loss, as that is the lowest end of the spectrum in terms of stress on a GPU.
  17. Finally, someone noticed. I was beginning to wonder if anyone could reed.
  18. No we removed that one so that the loading image was still there
  19. Mechjeb and xscience work fine for me. I wonder what is going on
  20. Yes they are ring shadows. You can disable them in the main menu in the scatterer window.
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