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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. RSS expanded is a different mod that adds the missing bodies in RSS. constellations may do the same thing.
  2. Be sure to install the latest kopernicus from the kopernicus thread. Do not include kopernicus that in bundled in RSS
  3. I still dont know what you are talking about. Im not getting this issue. I just tried with the alternate cfg on version 1.1 and have zero issues.
  4. I didnt raise the land anywhere. The issue is with kopernicus. I believe the dev know but there is no fixing it.
  5. I have no idea what going on in your game. I just landed on thalia over and over and never had it disappeared.
  6. The mods need to stay as is. Many mods rely on the proper directory or they won't work. Putting them into new folders will break almost everything
  7. It's too much to explain in a single post. Basically you create a new cfg to tell module manager what other cfgs to target and edit. This is the best place to look to figure out MM https://github.com/sarbian/ModuleManager/wiki
  8. HOT FIX Change Log: v0.0.2.1 Fixed performance issue on Titan Fixed Scatterer cfgs for Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Mars. Atmosphere tweaks Current state is PRERELEASE. Please look for bugs INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS included in download DOWNLOAD @linuxgurugamer mind lending me a hand at putting this on CKAN?
  9. I would wait about an hour before downloading. Some pretty important things had to change. so im about to upload....again and for the last time today
  10. QUICK UPDATE Stock Size Real Solar System v0.0.2 Change Log: Fixed exception spam around Saturn Increased Enceladus and Mimus' SOI Fixed install instructions Current state is PRERELEASE. Please look for bugs INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS are included in the download DOWNLOAD
  11. I don't want to promote my planet pack but, it every planet is named after roman gods in Galileo's Planet Pack, and has a moon Hephaestus.
  12. i found some exception spam around Saturn. I'm investigating. when i figure it out ill post a new update
  13. This is a continuation of Stock Size Real Solar System, Originally by @sDaZe and myself. Big thank you to @OhioBob for all of the help with atmospheres and other sciency things I don't understand! This makes RSS, well, you guessed it, stock size! Change Log: v0.0.3.1 Update version file for 1.3.1 Adjusted Scatterer's load and unload distances Adjusted the sunlight curve Fixed Saturn's rings. No longer show up black. DOWNLOAD INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS for SSRSS 1. Download and install Kopernicus: LINK 2. Download and install RSS: LINK (ONLY install the RealSolarSystem folder. The bundled Kopernicus and ModularFlightIntegrator is outdated) 3. Download and install RSS TEXTURES: LINK 4. Install Sigma Dimensions: LINK 5. Install the SSRSS folder into your GameData folder 6. For proper day length, install Kronometer LINK To replace the sun flare, you must replace the textures that come with SSRSS located in GameData\SSRSS\visuals\scatterer\SunFlares\Sun with the sun flare of your choosing OPTIONAL: Kronometer, EVE, Scatterer, Distant Objects Enhancements, PlanetShine all have support. Thread links below. just download and install. DO NOT INSTALL RSSVE OR ANY OTHER VISUAL PACK FOR RSS. THEY WILL NOT WORK. -Kronometer - Highly recommended to get the correct time in game https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/161218-130plugin-kronometer-v130-2/ -Environmental Visual Enhancements http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/149733-122-environmentalvisualenhancements-12-2/& (do not install the configs) -Scatterer: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/103963-wip122-scatterer-atmospheric-scattering-v00300-22012017/& -Distant Object Enhancements http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/89214-12x-distant-object-enhancement-bis-v181-20-october-2016/#comment-1503616 -PlanetShine http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/87012-12-planetshine-v0252-stable-v05-experimental-4-october-2016/#comment-1456424 And a little extra, cool stuff for everyone: Use this to get high detail terrain with SSRSS. READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! (I even included pictures) High Detail Preset Part Max Pressure Patch Every time you donate, a puppy gets adopted...ok, not really but it does keep my motivation strong and my coffee cup filled! This mods is licensed by Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs CC BY-NC-ND
  14. On the OP, download Range-machine's version made for 1.2 Enjoy
  15. Unfortunately, I think this is a bug with RT. For some reason RT will only reset itself during a new game. Try starting a new game with the Body = 5. and see if your stations appear on Gael. If not, Just hang tight until the update. I can ensure it will work with our update
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