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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Are you talking about the planet being darker because it's further from the sun? There isn't a way to do it through kopernicus or any mod, BUT what you can do is lower the brightness of the texture in photoshop to simulate it being darker.
  2. You have to mess with the sigma cfgs I forget the parameter name that would have to be changed. I'll look it up tonight when I boot up As for the clouds, it was intentional. I wanted them lower, but it will look like garbage in orbit. (The clouds clip through a lot of the mountains) that's why I set them so high. It's easy to change if you want. Just go into the sigma cfg and find the EVE Clouds node and change multiplication value to something more suitable.
  3. I would have to say in a 10x play through you will experience things like this pretty often, as the game wasn't meant to be any bigger than stock scale. So, unfortunately, this is probably just something to you have to deal with. Or, just remove rescue contracts all together
  4. Oh I see. Yeah the default scatterer cfgs weren't developed with realistic atmospheres in mind. You will have to edit the cfgs for them to accurately depict the atmospheres in RA.
  5. Scatterer provides just aesthetics. It doesn't change anything with how atmospheres behave. So yes, scatterer will work fine with realistic atmospheres
  6. Yes clouds work. Did you use the SVE and scatterer bundled in this pack, or did you download them separately?
  7. While searching for a thread, I had to type in GPP, and it led me here... ugh, this is going to get confusing.
  8. You have to change the textures to PNG and make sure the directories in the cfgs are also pointing to PNGs instead of DDS. That is the only true fix I have found so far for this problem. It uses more ram but that's not that big of a deal
  9. Football KSP is best played in fair weather
  10. I'm down for an "All Things Texas" thread, which will probably be filled with football
  11. Yep Houston.. they have been better than the longhorns last few years.. but now that UT snatched up houstons coach, we'll see what happens to the cougars
  12. Eat sleep and live football Don't forget the cougars! there are others, but they are less relevant
  13. All my months of looking, and I have never found another KSPer from Texas. I hail from Austin and bleed burnt orange. Oh but how I miss the A&M and UT rivalry. And to the Red Raider in this thread, howdy!
  14. If your motherboard allows it, go into the bios and turn your fans up. I have all of my fans at full blast.
  15. Lightning is already a thing in many visual packs. planet shine is something the developer of scatterer is working on to implement. Just takes time. And sun textures are already implemented in a few visual packs as well. The only thing we don't have or won't have soon is rain. I have seen other try and create a new shader for rain but the performance tanked. So I don't expect to see that any time soon, but snow is a thing. The version he is linking you to is not outdated. He just repackaged it for 1.2.2
  16. you are good. We acted a little hastily. Astronomer is very serious about his licensing (I know first hand) just be very careful with his work.
  17. The person that packaged the mod and posted it on spacedock is also in violation. I think they have been contacted. @Benti Edit: this has been brought to my attention. from the license of AVP v2: "The licensor permits other to create and distribute derivative works, but only under the same or a compatible license. The licensor permits others to copy, distribute, display, and perform the work for non-commercial purposes only." Looks like the repackage of AVP v2 is good to go.
  18. That violates the All rights reserved license that AVP v2 has. I would remove that link. AVP beyond kerbal is a completely different pack than the one you linked anyway. beyond kerbal was a visual pack that was never finished by astronomer
  19. I'm in the same boat. I have finals projects due in less than 48 hours... I haven't started. Thanks KSP
  20. It's not a texture, but a shader limitation. I have no idea if fixing it is possible. That is something you are going to have to bring up with blackrack on the scatterer thread. He could give you a much better answer
  21. Next update ALL bodies will have anomalies. And I may have jumped the gun earlier. Barring any major setbacks, we are going to release one more update before 1.3 comes out.
  22. Yeah most of the "anomalies" on Gael are tracking stations or monoliths. I also messed up the cfgs and left ksc2 on Gael. I'm really glad you are enjoying GPP!
  23. Currently there are not any "easter eggs" in GPP. There may be some accidental terrain formations but no true Easter eggs. I am curious as to what you have found though! Post a screenshot! Although we created GPP, we haven't seen everything there is too see yet.
  24. Niven is just a recolored titan as for the colors on Ceti, it can be organic goo if you want it to be.. I was just going for something a little more unique, much like how the stock system has Minmus. No real reason for the coloration though
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