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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. HERE is a cfg that should ONLY make the scatter objects solid. Install Kopernicus and just drop this cfg anywhere in your gamedata folder. BE WARNED: This makes ALL scatter objects solid including patches of grass. It will destroy your rovers much like a rock or tree. ENJOY!
  2. GPP was developed with an older dev version, and will not work with the latest dev version. 1.9.0 is what GPP uses. On another note, I was just looking into the changes that were made for GPP and couldn't figure out why nothing in the latest dev version was working for me. Turns out contract configurator is required now and I can't read. Good to know
  3. 1.2.2 is supported. you need to download RangeMachines version
  4. you need to install the bundled Kerbal Konstructs in the Optional Mods folder. Feel free to explore the folders included in the GPP download. there is quite a bit there
  5. i see your problem. you installed the boulder co. folder. delete it. there is a version of SVE included in the GPP download. ONLY use the bundled version.
  6. Post a pic of your gamedata folder and your output logs.
  7. A lot of people want 8k, but the process is slow and tedious. For 27 bodies, that's a ton of work. If I decide to do this, it won't be done soon
  8. Exactly. But you will have to change a tweak quite a bit to get some to appear on the surface. Some special anomalies have a fixed position and your height map will need to be altered for you to see them. If you just want monoliths, they automatically snap to the terrain surface.
  9. You just need to know what pqsmods to delete and which ones to keep in the planet template. This is a planet in GPP with a Vall template
  10. Yes you can. Any anomalies in the stock game can be added
  11. I'll look into your issue with SVE and SVT just pm me your logs and a screenshot of your gamedata folder. What do you need help with regarding the retexture of asteroids? If you need textures, I can surely help with that let me know what you need
  12. I have been experimenting with making 8k textures out of the existing 4k textures. Its coming along ok. but the file size is absolutely huge. the size goes from 10.6 mb for Gael textures to 42.6mb.. for now i only intend to make the gael system 8k but you never know. The reason i went 4k was really just for Mac users as some macs cannot use textures larger than 4k. here is a sneak peak at Gael in 8k though sans clouds
  13. The day this mod popped up, we started on cfgs only to find it wasn't working with kopernicus.. This will be a thing with GPP though, absolutely
  14. Nothing has changed from the time that this reply was written. Kopernicus and scatterer are still broken more or less. All visual packs are at a stand still until these issues are taken care of.
  15. It's all good. I don't mind people cannibalizing my cfgs. It's really just the textures I'm worried about
  16. Unfortunately scatterer does not work correctly for MM yet. EVE is also kind of hard to set up. This is why SVE doesn't use MM congrats on your planet!
  17. Thanks! I'm working on some new techniques to take planet textures to another level, so in turn, screenshots should get better
  18. I use a Wacom tablet if I am to draw anything.. I don't remember the last time I actually used paper. Everything is either done with the Wacom or on my Surface Pro
  19. @RocketPCGaming well the city lights are really there for beauty shots in mid to high orbit. They don't look much better in stock scale either
  20. GPP and extrasolar use 2 different versions of scatterer. Do not mix them or things will not work. Doesn't matter what you change in the cfgs.
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