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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. Catullus has clouds. I don't have plans for anymore than what I have already added
  2. It is but I'm not home to write and MM cfg right now.
  3. I have tested on 4 pc's. Yes, the mods runs and the textures are there, but you get yellow lines along the terrain. I have confirmed that this only happens with dx11 being forced. I'm glad you think it's working though
  4. This mod doesn't work with dx11 and it doesn't help with stuttering
  5. Are you using range machines version that is posted in the OP? It's the only version that's compatible with 1.2.2.
  6. You aren't running the game in x64 bit
  7. Wrong mod, but it's cool. It's EVE that causes that issue. It's known to the developer. It hasn't been fixed because it takes particular circumstances for it to happen and isn't that big of a deal. Like you said, it's easy to ignore.
  8. If you find the scatter nodes in ralds cfg, change colliders to True You probably installed the bundled SVE wrong. Post a screenshot of your gamedata folder
  9. The colliders have to be enabled in Rald's cfgs. Since I didn't make Rald, it didn't get the SVT touch
  10. @AceCrafted you are right, you don't need them, however, the FGI that kopernicus creates are random. There are times when updating kopernicus or module manager will break saves. The FGI is just a fail safe system to ensure your career works from update to update. ESPECIALLY when the entire stock system is removed or changed
  11. Are they different than the ones that are already included in the download? GPP already included a full copy of FF
  12. lol feel honored because there is a lot of other things I want to say on other threads but I figure it's not worth my time or effort. You have a lot on your plate with this mod and im only trying to keep people from bothering you with trivial things.
  13. Yes, but that's not the number that remotetech needs. Remote tech needs to know where in the index sequence Kerbin is. For example, if you start your flightGlobalsIndex at 100 and kerbin is 101 that means kerbin is body number 2 which is what remote tech needs. If kerbins FHI is 144, it would be body 45, as another example.
  14. I wouldn't worry about Thalia as I have made the texture brighter in the next update. One of the devs can take care of those screenshots.
  15. This is probably the same issue https://github.com/Kopernicus/Kopernicus/issues/158 its not SVT that causes it. Just kopernicus and it is a known issue
  16. Kerbalism isn't fully support in the latest release. Next version will be
  17. Delete everything in your gamedata folder except the squad folder, redownload and then reinstall everything.
  18. My mod, Stock Visual Enhancements, adds dust storms on Duna and geysers on Eeloo. another mod I develop, Stock Visual Terrain, has scatter objects with colliders enabled. Both mods are developed simultaneously, so they work perfectly together.
  19. I refuse to open any more of your links until you post on a more reputable hosting site. where you posted your logs locked up my computer multiple times and disabled my web browser on my phone.. with that being said, I don't know what your issue could be. Uninstall and reinstall everything
  20. It's a whip that will be implemented hopefully next update. Maybe @JadeOfMaar can give a progress report on that since I have been out of the loop for the last week or so
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