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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. There will is a grand total of 0 heightmaps in SVT, so the issue lies elsewhere.
  2. You should wander over to my sun flare pack and get yourself a replacement
  3. just like SVE and SVT it ONLY works on the stock planets. You need OPMVO if you want clouds in OPM (its not updated to work in 1.2.2 so you'll have to wait but at least you will know where to go). Just use the search bar to find it
  4. what version of KSP are those screenshots from? EVE has changed A LOT since 1.0.5 and for the better. It is not possible to go back to the old clouds in this version of eve. There is a version of EVE 7-4 for 1.2.2 floating around somewhere but i'm unsure if it works still or not
  5. Just like SVE. It only changes the stock planets. OPM will not be touched
  6. I have added the 2k version to Github and added another flare not a big enough change to warrant a version change.
  7. No like I said just run KSP WITHOUT mods first, then add ONLY GPP with its dependencies and optional mods. If it runs correctly, and you get GPP planets, then add your mods back
  8. yes if you look at the new scatterer cfgs you will see you need to add what star each planet is orbiting. if you dont you will be hit with null refs and missing atmospheres.
  9. if any of the planets from other planet packs are around a different star besides the Sun, you will probably have compatibility problems. you will have to add each star to the planetList. Most planet pack developers dont work hand in hand with eachother so they dont write their configs to work with others. you will have to make the changes manually.
  10. I highly reccomend you remove this thread before a lot of mod developers get very angry that you are redistributing their work. Or just turn this into a "recommended mods" thread
  11. @eddiew have you attempted a scene change? This happens with scatterer from time to time
  12. Yes, but the clouds Are only on the stock bodies. Dont expect clouds on any opm bodies.
  13. Then it must be github and I have no control over that. I refuse to use spacedock.
  14. KK does not use much memory at all. Ciro is the main star in the system. The alternate Ciro cfg just gives Ciro the stock sun flare for those who don't want to use scatterer. As for how it looks, that can be answered by playing the mod. here is a screenshot
  15. The difference is one is 2K textures and one is 4K textures. All clouds appear in all resolutions, flying or otherwise.
  16. Ok I have looked at your KSP.log. You have a lot of system errors and the dlls from KSP are not loading correctly. Nearly all of your mods are not loading either. You need to reinstall KSP and run without any mods. then install mods.
  17. No that's definitely photoshop I'm talking about.. I'm a graphic/web designer irl and I teach Adobe CC programs as an assistant at the Art Institute of Austin, so I know my way around PS.. Gimp is a terrible program in comparison to PS and I don't recommend it but it's ok for those who can't afford creative cloud and basic image manipulation I suppose..
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