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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. You use a visual mod for RSS, like RSSVE.
  2. The only thing I wasn’t able to do while I was there was take pictures inside the studio. Everything else we experienced has already been put on YouTube, Twitch, here. There wasn’t a whole lot of coverage regarding the terrain, and that may be because, while it looks nice, The others may have been more excited about actual game features and such. Me being me, however, I love planet design and textures, and little things that make the game more immersive. I can say, I saw blades of grass, stones, boulders, sticks, logs and great detail in the terrain on kerbin. The planet textures are generated with a program called substance designer. What it’s capable of is crazy cool. Very dynamic and realistic surfaces can be generated. I’m really excited to explore these new planets and see the views.
  3. Having been in Star Theory’s studio and seeing the terrain first hand, unequivocally better.
  4. When you install from a cache, you are just using the last version you had downloaded that’s saved on your pc. If you are trying to get the latest version, you cannot, as I have made the repo private.
  5. Yeah, those textures are ones I made for a planet pack.
  6. I have sent you a message regarding removing a mod from SD @VITAS
  7. that is precisely what EVE does... At this point, it sounds like something is wrong with your install, and you probably need to post a bug report so someone can troubleshoot
  8. The city lights one By Rbray was incorporated into EVE a long time ago when he was developing the mod, and KSPRC uses EVE as well to to get the effect. EVE is literally the only mod that adds city textures to the surface. Some visual packs edit the textures, for better, or worse, but EVE is the base mod. I’m not sure what the OP could be looking for, if not EVE. Perhaps just an obscure visual pack?
  9. That is most likely EVE. It comes with city lights. It’s the only mod that adds that feature.
  10. I have not updated this to 1.8, and don’t have plans to, but it should work on 1.7.3 just fine. this changes the terrain textures ands high resolution scaled space textures as well.
  11. I cannot think of a single change to EVE since 1.3.1 that would cause this not to work. I suggest you do a proper bug report.
  12. Principia has OPM compatibility built into it. You should be good to go.
  13. JNSQ is natively 1/4 real scale. This allows for an RSS type of experience while using stock parts.
  14. I have not seen or heard anything about Scatterer including planet shine. It was a feature that was considered, but it was never implemented due to lack of time for the dev. You'll find the base of code for the feature in Scatterer, but it's not doing anything yet. I think what @Gordon Fecyk is referring to is the extinction color on vessels when inside the atmosphere, which was recently added to Scatterer, but it still does not do anything in scaled space in terms of light being reflected off a body onto the vessels as far as I know. We are still waiting for true planet shine in Scatterer, so I still recommend PlanetShine to fill that gap.
  15. Good question. I don't know why that's happening. I'll have to look at it when I get home. Stay away from the 0.8.5 stuff as there were changes to those cfgs in 0.8.6. just choose the default cfgs for those mods, and JNSQ will change them with its own cfgs. Spectra just needs to be added as incompatible in the netkan. As far as Texture Replacer is concerned, I do not recall the version that was for 1.7.3.
  16. This mod comes with custom textures/cfgs for those mods that you want to delete. If you delete Scatterer and EVE textures/cfgs from this mod, what is the point of even downloading it? The only one I would delete would be Texture Replacer, especially if you have suits and a skybox you prefer over the one shipped with this mod.
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