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Everything posted by Galileo

  1. The "problem" is your planet. Scatterer atmospheres render in a perfect sphere, so any parts of the body that have a greater altitude than that of the Scatterer sphere will not be scattered, and will cause the issue you are seeing. You will need to adjust your planets Scatterer settings and raise it until the issue is gone.
  2. So what's keeping you from starting a separate play through with stock? That's my point. Go play stock until kopernicus updates. If you want to play in 1.8, then that is your only choice. Otherwise, roll back to 1.7.3 and be patient. What's silly is your statement saying the game is "literally unplayable" because the game is in fact playable without kopernicus if you just play stock until kopernicus is updated..
  3. What's keeping you from playing a stock game until this is updated? Kopernicus is not a dependency of stock. I know it feels like it, but it's not.
  4. You don't have opening or closing brackets for any of those and the syntax is wrong as well.
  5. That looks perfectly normal. Whats missing? SVE is just clouds and Scatterer atmospheric scattering effects.
  6. AND they have donation links up?! Hahaha "Here is my gamedata folder. Please consider donating." - the author, probably.
  7. Look in the OP. They are linked right next to each other. It literally says "to install". Follow the instructions. Once on the GitHub page, try scrolling. You'll find the cfgs directly under the textures.
  8. The only things ng that won't work from this mod would be the terrain textures which require Kopernicus, which isn't updated for 1.8 yet.
  9. I might have a bug report I found last night in my testing. Seems like I'm only a few minutes late im seeing a lot of null on bodies with oceans in a stock + scatterer install. Anyone else having that issue? It doesn't slow down performance, I only noticed it when I opened the console. Logs say something about the ocean node. After I do a little digging, I'll submit my report.
  10. Post a screenshot of your gamedata folder. And no. If you read the OP you would see that it's a rescaled mod. This mod is also available on CKAN if you have trouble installing mods manually
  11. UPDATE 0.8.5 Change log KSP 1.7.1 ~ 1.7.3 Added MachFX tweak: Changed plasma transition range from Mach 2.5 ~ 3.5 to Mach 4.5 ~ 6.5, thanks to players: CalicoJackRackam, Rocketology. Added 3x multiplier to SCANsat scanner altitudes. Adjusted Kerbal Konstructs facilities: Buffed prices on everything. Funds ROI at business facilities break-even at 3 years with 1 kerbal or 1 year with max staff. Unlocked DLC-replacing sites and KSCHarbor launch points. Added features to Woomera2 and made it now override Woomerang. Fixed tile grass colors at all sites. Added and removed color presets. Added new, more defined celestial body textures. Nudging at Squad that we don't need a new shader to play the "stock visual terain" game. Adjusted ocean colors. Updated Rational Resources bundle to 1.0.2. Full changelog here. Removed installer (.exe) option. Unfortunately it was proven more inconvenient than convenient. NOTE: Surface topography has changed a bit on a handful of bodies. Mun, Duna, Moho, and Tylo being the most important (no one goes further than that anyway, lets be real). If you have vessels or bases on these bodies, I apologize in advance. YOU WILL NEED TO DELETE OR EDIT YOUR SETTINGS CFG FOR THIS UPDATE. WITH THE PERFORMANCE FIX FROM KOPERNICUS v1.7.3-2 , THE TERRAIN SETTINGS HAVE REVERTED BACK TO ALLOW FOR GREATER DETAIL. Download link in the OP.
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